NextDrive EV charging tarriff - experience

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  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Do you have working smart meters? Are your metering preferences set to half-hourly readings? If the answer to both those questions is yes, then your data for the period in question will be accessible. If you have smart meters but don't have half hourly readings, then all they will have is daily data which possibly won't help you much.

    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 33
    @evgone - as @retrotecchie says above, if your account is set to ½ hourly readings the meter itself actually stores around 13 months of usage readings.

    If you download the Bright app and register your meters with this, you will be able to view your historical usage in graphical display.

    Also you will then be able to download the raw ½hourly data in CSV format via the DCC, from their parent website and load it into Excel etc to do your own analysis

    If this all works and shows your ½ hourly usage you should have good evidence for addressing your issue
    Last edited by geoffers; 24-01-24 at 07:32.
  • evgone's Avatar
    Yes, I consented to half hourly readings so the data should be available. Thanks for the advice
  • evgone's Avatar
    @evgone - as @retrotecchie says above, if your account is set to ½ hourly readings the meter itself actually stores around 13 months of usage readings.

    If you download the Bright app and register your meters with this, you will be able to view your historical usage in graphical display.

    Also you will then be able to download the raw ½hourly data in CSV format via the DCC, from their parent website and load it into Excel etc to do your own analysis

    If this all works and shows your ½ hourly usage you should have good evidence for addressing your issue

    This is so helpful, thanks a lot. Scrolling through the IHD I can see that the supplier is correct as EON but the current tariff is my old 2 year fixed of 19.73p/kwh so it looks like somebody forgot to do their job.....

    I could have picked up the error months ago if my request for a bill had been actioned, but I kept getting told their was a problem with EON's billing software that could not handle dual tariffs.

    I will download the data once it has populated Glowmarkt and then use Excel to get my true costings.

    Many thanks for the advice.
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 33
    This is so helpful, thanks a lot. Scrolling through the IHD I can see that the supplier is correct as EON but the current tariff is my old 2 year fixed...
    I would ignore the tariff rate stored on your meter (and consequently showing on your IHD - this is for user information purposes only). The meter/IHD will however show your actual kWh usage.

    The tariff rate that EON uses for billing will be the correct rate, whereas you can't trust the rate on meter. My EOn bills do correctly match my own calculations from the bright/glowmarkt CSV data

    In my case I'm on the Next Drive tariff but the meter still shows my old Next Flex rate as there appear to be problems uploading the dual ToU rate to the meter 👍
    Last edited by geoffers; 24-01-24 at 09:44.
  • jpw's Avatar
    Level 3
    Following on from my previous post of 9 December, I then received a further electricity bill covering most of November and the early part of December, again all charged at the NextFlex rate. After lodging several complaints, my tariff was changed back to NextDrive, and since then I have received regular bills for both gas and electricity which are calculated using the correct tariff (and agree with my calculations). This just leaves the issue of approximately 3 months worth of usage which has been calculated at NextFlex rate. My calculations suggest that as a result I have been overcharged by a little over £200.

    E.On's reason for charging me at the NextFlex tariff for this period was that "We tried to bill your account on the correct tariff but because we could not retrieve the half hourly readings, we had to temporarily switch the tariff so that it would not amount to a billing gap. We currently do not have the half hourly readings and as such we may not be able to recalculate the bill just yet."

    They then asked if I could send them the half hour readings that I have downloaded from!

    I have found E.On's complaints handling process awful and certainly not in line with the email policy they sent me.. I have generally given up phoning them as it takes 15-20 minutes for somebody to tell me tat they can't deal with this and need to pass it on to the EV team who will get back to me (they never have). Instead I have sent emails but the response time is typically about 3 days (in one case reached 9) and doesn't actually lead to any progress.

    Despite having sent my downloaded data I have still not seen any recalculated bills. When my "Complaint Manager" eventually called at the end of December he was unaware of the incorrect bills and didn't appear any better informed in another call last week.

    So with no progress to date, taking my case to the Energy Ombudsman next month is looking increasingly likely.

    In response to @evgone I understand that all smart meter data is collected and held by a single industry wide body, the Data Collection Company or DCC. Suppliers then access this data for their billing systems. Similarly third party websites such as can get the data if the customer gives authorisation. So in theory E.On should be able to retrieve historic data and recalculate bills if necessary. Whether they have the systems in place or the willingness to do this seems another matter.
  • jpw's Avatar
    Level 3
    An update on my last post.

    Nothing further heard from e.on apart from them telling me that as my complaint had not been resolved after 8 weeks I could take it to the Energy Ombudsman, so not wishing to disappoint them that is what I did. A couple of weeks later I got a call from e.on saying they wanted to resolve my complaint and offering a settlement figure which was only about two thirds of what I had calculated I had been overcharged.

    I said that I didn't agree with the figure and asked how it had been calculated. The response surprised me but given that they had previously just used the standard variable tariff when they couldn't get half hour metering, I should probably have expected another inaccurate short cut. It turns out that they still didn't have my half hour metering for the disputed periods last year (had they even tried to get it?) so had applied a "typical night day split" to my useage. I have PV panels and a storage battery so my night/day split is anything but typical - the vast majority of my useage is at the night rate.

    After some further discussion and me pointing them to the detailed data I had sent previously and my night/day split from the bills that they had managed to calculate correctly, e.on agreed to accept my figures and refunded the amount I had calculated in full. They also, rather reluctantly, gave me a small amount of compensation for poor customer service although if I divide this by the hours spent on emails, phone calls and creating and maintaining a spreadsheet to do their job for them, it's well below the minimum wage.

    Anyway all resolved now so my thanks to @geoffers and all others who have contributed to this thread as I would not have been able to do this without the information posted here.

    Somebody said recently on another thread that you need patience to be on NextDrive. My patience with e.on is now completely exhausted so I have moved to another supplier. Thanks again for all your help and good luck.
    Last edited by jpw; 10-03-24 at 17:27. Reason: error