I've received a couple of messages about my smart meter needing to be replaced. It's a Landis+Gyr E470 and was installed about 7 years ago bt British Gas.
Does this actually need to be replaced? Will they suddenly stop working?
And do EON replace them with SMETS2 meters?
Chances are if it's an SMETS1 then it will stop working as a smart meter if you are in a region like me where they are already switching off 3G ahead of the 2032 target.
Yes, you'll get an SMETS2.
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
@retrotecchie Ah! I'd forgotten about the 3G switch off. That makes sense now.
I was partially worried that the meter 'offer' wasn't legitimate, but that's reassured me. Thank you.
The gas meter has never worked as a smart meter (though it looks like it's a SMETS1 unit) - do they replace both?
The Telefonica contract requires the 2G service for smart meters to be retained through to 2033. There would be many many more meters going into traditional mode if the turn off of 3g had any significant effect on smart meter communications, but I recognise that there's precious little information out there about all this. Newer meter comms are only up to 4G, so still behind the drag curve.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
The problem comes with the regions where Telefonica/O2 don't have physical infrastructure but have to 'code share' on other companies masts. In many regions of the country, especially rural areas, Vodafone and O2 share masts. If Vodafone turn off a service that used to provide coverage for O2, then both go south, as happened here in November last year.
Hello @Gromit Anasa here 👋 How are you? I'm so pleased you reached out on here and got some peace of mind about replacing your smart meter.
Just a quick one.. I noticed that you've had your smart meter for 7 years and would love to know how you've been getting on with it?
What motivated you to get a smart meter installed all those years ago? Have you made any savings by having a smart meter? What is your fave thing about having a smart meter? 😊
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@Anasa_EONNext Our original meter was installed in new-build. It was OK at first, though only the electricity side worked. The gas smart meter was never comissioned (as I've only just discovered).
Once I switched away from the original energy supplier, both meters were essentially dumb meters. I still have to go read them both every month.
They've never saved me money - I used to watch the market and change suppliers when there was a better deal.
I'm hoping the new meters will prove more useful than the previous ones!
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