My fusion energy system is no joking matter. It's deadly serious. Even E.On Next are promoting and selling such systems although at extremely high prices.
My 'fusion reactor' is very much in the public domain and it is a source of almost unlimited energy free to all and just sat there waiting to be tapped.
93 million miles away...it's called the sun.
My 'downconverter' for harnessing the energy? Monocrystalline PV panels.
My 'control system'? A Victron Bluetooth enabled charger inverter.
The water-based dihydrogen oxide moderator? You might refer to them by the layman's term 'cloud and rain'.
It's a DIY solar PV system by any other name.
My buddies and I have had a few laughs, to be fair, and goodness knows @
JoeSoap could use a few light-hearted moments what with his IHD and account woes of late. We've all taken the joke and run with it and it's been a chuckle. @
WizzyWigg on more than one occasion has had me on the floor laughing fit to split my sides.
With the War in Ukraine, cost of living crisis, interest rates and the rest of the world going to hell on a handcart we need a little harmless levity here and there to brighten these dark days. If I have offended anyone then I apologise profusely. But I am retrotecchie...legend in my own bathwater, windswept and interesting, bon viveur, and want to wring out what little joy there is left in the world. Help where I can and maybe raise a smile on folks faces now and then.