IHD Tariff Update Request More Troublesome Than Normal

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  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61
    Are you sure that this is the process? You may have more detailed inside knowledge, but according to the DCC https://www.smartdcc.co.uk/our-smart...send-readings/

    The meter has a circular buffer storing 13months of usage data - as new entries are recorded the older entries are discarded.

    So my take on @JoeSoap 's problem would be that for the period the meter stopped working, the readings were never stored in the buffer so can never be recovered.

    However if the meter isn't functioning properly this doesn't explain how it can maintain a record of total units of energy used for the whole period

    Forgive my possible ignorance.

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    The reads are uploaded to the DCC servers and are sent to the suppliers automatically. I assumed (possibly/probably incorrectly) that they are at least temporarily stored before shoving it off to suppliers/3rd parties (like Bright etc). I agree that according to the DCC they never see or keep the meter read data (which is somewhat surprising) so have corrected my post accordingly so as not to cause any possible confusion arising from it.
    Last edited by Mailman; 07-10-23 at 23:10.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    I think I was clutching at straws but I had a go at uninstalling and reinstalling the Eon Next app to see if the missing usage data would reappear but it didn’t. If it had then I would have tried doing the same to the Bright app next but I won’t bother now.

    It was worth a try.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • solidbond's Avatar
    Level 12
    I think I was clutching at straws but I had a go at uninstalling and reinstalling the Eon Next app to see if the missing usage data would reappear but it didn’t. If it had then I would have tried doing the same to the Bright app next but I won’t bother now.

    It was worth a try.

    I'm sure you have already tried, but just checking if you've looked at https://www.n3rgy.com/ to see what data they hold? I know they go back 3 months so it may be worth checking if they have any of your missing data, although I suspect if none of the other sources have, then it's unlikely that they will either, but may be worth checking 😀
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    I'm sure you have already tried, but just checking if you've looked at https://www.n3rgy.com/ to see what data they hold? I know they go back 3 months so it may be worth checking if they have any of your missing data, although I suspect if none of the other sources have, then it's unlikely that they will either, but may be worth checking 😀

    Thanks for this 👍. I gave it a go but just get an excel spreadsheet for each fuel. Not as user friendly as Bright. The electric one is totally blank and the gas has some data in m3 but only timestamped with a lot of hashes. If the data is listed half-hourly then it might make sense if it was timestamped. Shame the gas wasn't in kWh instead of m3 though as I would have to apply the formula to each half-hourly gas usage for it to make any sense to me when doing my comparisons. Maybe I need to allow more time for everything to download from my meters to n3rgy.

    It would be good if this works but a shame that I can only go back 90 days to 12 July. I lost data early hours of 8 July 🙄😂

    It's a handy website but I'm not totally sure of the implications of signing up to it 😬
  • solidbond's Avatar
    Level 12
    Thanks for this 👍. I gave it a go but just get an excel spreadsheet for each fuel. Not as user friendly as Bright. The electric one is totally blank and the gas has some data in m3 but only timestamped with a lot of hashes. If the data is listed half-hourly then it might make sense if it was timestamped. Shame the gas wasn't in kWh instead of m3 though as I would have to apply the formula to each half-hourly gas usage for it to make any sense to me when doing my comparisons. Maybe I need to allow more time for everything to download from my meters to n3rgy.

    It would be good if this works but a shame that I can only go back 90 days to 12 July. I lost data early hours of 8 July 🙄😂

    It's a handy website but I'm not totally sure of the implications of signing up to it 😬

    The hashes for the time stamp mean that you need to widen the cell to show all the data 😉 which will give the date and the half hour time slot. However if you have signed in to n3rgy, you can go to another site and should be able to download a spreadsheet with the gas and electricity information in an easier format (including gas in Wh)

    You'll need to go to https://energy.guylipman.com/sm/admin?n3rgy and then follow the instructions on the getting started page, Loading data for first time and you'll need to click on the 2nd bullet point link, and then enter your IHD MAC.

    Once done use the menu on the left to access either Gas or Electricity and you can view your consumption data, or download as a csv - you have to do each fuel separately. If n3gry doesn't have your electricity or gas data, then it probably won't show on here, which means it's still not been transferred. As to whether it will or not in the future is anyones guess!!

    Hope this makes sense and good luck!!

    WARNING - be careful about sharing a link other than the one above, as once you've connected to the above site it will add your IHD MAC to the address😉
    Last edited by solidbond; 10-10-23 at 15:20. Reason: Added warning
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Thanks for the help. I'm a technophobe but managed to get the timestamp on the gas. It makes sense now. If only it was in kWh and I had the electric as well and it went back to 8 July it would be great.

    It's not a big issue for me to not have the info so I don't think I'll stress myself out pursuing this any further 😂

    Cheers again and thanks for the tip about the link 👍
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    It's Friday the 13th and the day you suggested I should contact customer service to request a SMETS command be sent to my meters to force them to give up the two months of data they're hanging on to.

    I only have to resist the temptation for another nine hours 🤐
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 90

    It's Friday the 13th and the day you suggested I should contact customer service to request a SMETS command be sent to my meters to force them to give up the two months of data they're hanging on to.

    I only have to resist the temptation for another nine hours 🤐
    You mustn't resist it's part 2 of becoming Chief App Beta Tester. As I said you've passed the first exercise I set. 😉😂😂😂😂 You're in line for another gold star 🌟.