IHD Tariff Update Request More Troublesome Than Normal

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  • Ian413's Avatar
    Level 6
    I'm not particularly looking for advice on this but thought I'd post something about my IHD tariff update request.

    I switched tariffs last Friday and as my tariffs hadn't been updated on my IHD for a while, in spite of some minor changes, I thought I'd request an update. I emailed on Saturday and got an almost immediate response saying it had been done and to reset my IHD in the morning after the overnight update. Very prompt service.

    On Sunday morning the IHD had updated, but although the rates had lowered, they hadn't lowered enough. The rates displayed were now somewhere between the old rates and my new rates.

    I sent another email and was then asked to send a picture so it can be looked into. I don't know what picture was required so I sent four of the IHD showing gas and electric unit rates and daily charges.

    I'm not sure why photos would be required to push the correct tariff rates to an IHD and have never been asked for any before. Anyway, we'll see what transpires.

    Is there anyone else out there who recently switched to Next Loyalty Fixed v4 with immediate effect having similar trouble?

    Edit on 8 July 23... There is a known issue where non-DD tariffs are being applied instead of DD rates to smart meters/IHDs. If anyone requests an update and the rates applied are slightly higher than they expect then I would advise against pursuing the matter by requesting more updates. I did this and in the end the advisor messed around in my account resulting in £150 of exit fees being applied and my monthly DD increasing by around £50. This has also happened to another member who repeatedly requested an update to the correct rates.

    I would advise some patience as the tech team are aware of the issue and are looking into it.

    Edit on 19 July 23... In light of some recent success stories I have submitted another update request. The progress can be followed from......
    👉this post👈 onwards.

    I too have been struggling with this. Earlier today I was informed that they have tried everything possible to update my IHD, there is nothing else they can do and I need to purchase a new IHD.

    The device they are pushing is an ivie bud. this works in a completely different way, pulling the rates across the internet.

    the device costs £60. Personally , I think they have stopped investing in, what must be very cluncky systems to push the rates down their network to an ihd and have joined forces with ivie to push their device.

    personally I’m going to use the old device as I just need the KWH. I put all the daily numbers in a spreadsheet and calculate the cost from there.

    anyone else been told to purchase a new ihd?
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 82
    personally I’m going to use the old device as I just need the KWH. I put all the daily numbers in a spreadsheet and calculate the cost from there.

    I think using your spreadsheet is the best way. Way more accurate. I've been using mine for years. 👴
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Keep an eye on this thread to see what the outcome is and then take things from there.

    There has to be a fix for this 🤞
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    The end of the world 🌎 will occur when either you go or they pull the plug out of the Tinternet. 😂 Climate change has nothing to do with it!

    Methinks you're over-egging the pudding a tad 🤔😂
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    @JoeSoap Might have to edit that 🤣

    Drat... I forgot you had the power to do that 😂
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 82
    Methinks you're over-egging the pudding a tad 🤔😂

    You are right. Do you think I should remove the bit about pulling the plug out. 😂😂😂😂
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Just a thought 🤔... Have you checked that the incorrect tariff rate(s) on the IHD match what shows on the meter(s)? If the meter(s) are showing the same as the IHD then you may have the same issue as me, in which case whatever @LeeDQ_EONNext manages to uncover might apply to you too. If the meter(s) have the correct tariff then that would probably point to the HAN or the IHD itself.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    You are right. Do you think I should remove the bit about pulling the plug out. 😂😂😂😂

    That might do it 😂
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 30
    I too have been struggling with this. Earlier today I was informed that they have tried everything possible to update my IHD, there is nothing else they can do and I need to purchase a new IHD.

    The device they are pushing is an ivie bud. this works in a completely different way, pulling the rates across the internet.

    the device costs £60. Personally , I think they have stopped investing in, what must be very cluncky systems to push the rates down their network to an ihd and have joined forces with ivie to push their device.

    personally I’m going to use the old device as I just need the KWH. I put all the daily numbers in a spreadsheet and calculate the cost from there.

    anyone else been told to purchase a new ihd?


    Just a thought 🤔... Have you checked that the incorrect tariff rate(s) on the IHD match what shows on the meter(s)? If the meter(s) are showing the same as the IHD then you may have the same issue as me, in which case whatever @LeeDQ_EONNext manages to uncover might apply to you too. If the meter(s) have the correct tariff then that would probably point to the HAN or the IHD itself.

    Guys – I’m coming to the party late and haven’t read anything earlier in this thread, so apologies if I’m covering stuff which has already been discussed.
    But from the 2 statements above it would appear that your understanding is that Eon push the tariff rates to the IHD,
    I think that this is how it actually works …

    1. The smart meter measures your usage, and feeds the data to the DCC (maybe ½ hourly)
      1. Data Communications Company (DCC) is a subsidiary of Capita and has the responsibility of overseeing and managing the UK's smart meter infrastructure

    2. This data is then passed on from DCC to Eon for billing etc., so that’s the first they know of it.
    3. The smart meters also pass the data to the IHD via the Home Area Network (HAN) - every 10 seconds, so the IHD can give a real-time readout.
    4. The meters – not the IHD – store the actual tariff value (plus lots of other values which you can also view on the IHD).
    5. So presumably Eon must send this via the DCC - they don’t update the IHD directly but just values stored in the meter.
    6. So when the meter talks to the IHD in 3, it must also supply the relevant tariff value, so the IHD can calculate and display the real-time cost from the tariff and power usage it’s received from the meter.

    So any IHD, whether it’s the original or a newly purchased one is just picking up and processing the data from the meter, not directly from the supplier.

    This is a good description of how it all works

    This link downloads the spec for the smart meter technology - section 6.3.2 says that the meters update the IHD every 10 seconds

    Last edited by geoffers; 06-08-23 at 22:01.
  • geoffers's Avatar
    Level 30
    I too have been struggling with this....
    ...personally I’m going to use the old device as I just need the KWH. I put all the daily numbers in a spreadsheet and calculate the cost from there.
    @Ian413 - have you considered using the excellent "Bright" app
    Name:  Bright28.jpg
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    Once you've created an account and registered your meters, you then have access to the raw data directly from the DCC in CSV format, which you can download from their parent company's website www.glowmarkt.com, and open as an Excel file
    Name:  glowmarkt.jpg
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    Last edited by geoffers; 06-08-23 at 22:57.