IHD Tariff Update Request More Troublesome Than Normal

  • solidbond's Avatar
    Level 10

    Ah now that’s interesting. Looks like the two issues are separate, at least in your case. There does tend to be a bit of a lag with usage data in these apps so it looks like yours are working fine. Just checked my IHD and apps and all still the same ☹️

    Did you try resetting your IHD by any means?

    Has the usage as shown in your apps always been reasonably up-to-date recently or have things just suddenly caught up?

    Yes I've reset my Chameleon IHD numerous times - it doesn't seem to make any difference. On the occasions when the tariff has updated, it has done it overnight with no need for a reset. The most recent update that (almost) worked was earlier this week, when the Electricity tariff was updated for the July rate, but still at the non-DD rate. The gas had updated 2 weeks earlier, but again to the non-DD rate.

    With the apps, I still have a few gaps for May and June Gas in the E.On app, 17th - 20th June still showing No Data for Gas but all Electricity data is showing, but in Bright all the data is there for those dates🙄. The data did seem to be slow updating a few weeks ago, with Bright taking up to 2 days sometimes for it show, but the rest of the time it has seemed to update within the day.

    One thing that I do find curious is that the Bright app, E.On app and the IHD show different kWh readings for Gas each day - eg, 17th July, IHD shows 2.36 kWh, E.On app shows 2.40, Bright shows 2.37 then 19th July, IHD shows 3.17 kWH, E.On app shows 3.18 but Bright shows 3.22 kWh so even the inconsistencies are inconsistent 🤣
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Thanks for the info 👍

    My experience of IHD tariff updates is also that the update happens without the need to reset the device.

    I think the minor discrepancies in usage between the apps and IHD are acceptable as sometimes rounding up or down is in play. It’s what we’re billed for that matters.

    My IHD is still good for most things I use it for and tbh I only look at daily cost as a guide to how I’m doing day on day. Non-DD rates are close enough for that but it would be nice to have it more accurate.

    The thing I miss most is the usage info in the Bright app that I use for quick comparisons over the same period last year. It was quick and easy.

    Anyway, we continue to wait patiently 😩
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    Update… This is the third working day since I was informed that my tariff update should take 3-5 working days to happen. I note the use of the word ‘should’ so in effect nothing was promised.

    No update has occurred as of this morning, 24 July, but @LeeDQ_EONNext has kindly had a look in his quest to uncover what the problem is with these updates and there is a note on my account saying An error occurred: This tariff is already in the process of being applied to the meter'

    This could be good news and maybe the update will complete in the next two days. Or, it could be bad news if the update doesn’t ever complete and no further updates can be requested as one is already in progress.

    Still no usage info on my Bright app and that’s something I do miss.

    Let’s see what the next two days bring.
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 81

    Good morning Joe. I was so looking forward to some excitement this morning 😴. I'll restart breathing and prepare for breath holding again tomorrow. Back to the hoovering. 👴
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Good morning Joe. I was so looking forward to some excitement this morning 😴. I'll restart breathing and prepare for breath holding again tomorrow. Back to the hoovering. 👴

    I like to keep the excitement going.

    Speaking of hoovering... I heard a couple of American guys talking at work once. They were visiting UK for the first time and talking about their hotel. One said that the maid said she was going to hoover round the room and he was perplexed as they 'vacuum' across the pond. He though she intended to hover round the room and had visions of her doing that stuck in his head 😂
    Last edited by JoeSoap; 24-07-23 at 10:30. Reason: Corrected typo
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 81
    @JoeSoap Hovering complete 🚁. 😂Polishing next excitement of the day 😴. 😂. IHD programmed for lunch at 13:00. You really ought to get one like mine. 😂😂😂.
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  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team

    You really don’t use banking apps? I think they’re marvellous. So quick and easy to do things 👍
    @JoeSoap I've just introduced my 90yr old Grandad to online banking, the joy he got when it took 2 seconds to transfer money from his everyday account to his bill account was amazing 😄.

    Apps can be useful, however I remember way back around 12/13yrs ago Natwest had issues and their whole system went down for a few days people had to go into the bank to request access to money and prove their income with documents as they coudln't access anyone's account! My daughter wouldn't have a clue what to do if that happened now, she would be at my door like Oliver Twist "Please Mum, can I have some ££" 😂
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳

    Looking for the latest price cap information? Visit this thread Ofgem energy price cap 1 July 2024 - How will this affect my E.ON Next tariff?
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    @JoeSoap Hovering complete 🚁. 😂Polishing next excitement of the day 😴. 😂. IHD programmed for lunch at 13:00. You really ought to get one like mine. 😂😂😂.

    You're having a busy day. My stomach rumbles let me know it's lunch time 😋
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    My default priorities when banking are the apps, on-line accounts and finally going to a bank. Thankfully I haven't been to one in years. Glad your grandad is liking his new on-line experiences 💻
  • WizzyWigg's Avatar
    Level 81
    My stomach rumbles let me know it's lunch time 😋
    That's not very now is it! I'd thought you might have had an updated app for it! 😂😂😂😂😂