I have smart meters for both electricity and gas. E.ON installed my gas meter back in December, but my electricity meter was installed several years ago when First Utility were my energy providers. As a result, I have ended up with a new SMETS2 gas meter that CANNOT access the communications hub in my old SMETS1 electricity meter, so the gas meter sends usage data to the DCC via a separate 'hot shoe' that E.ON fitted to my electricity meter.
This means that I have to use separate IHDs for gas and electricity!
E.ON have accepted that the only solution is to replace my old SMETS1 electricity meter with a SMETS2 unit, but are refusing to do so as "it isn't a business priority" (at first, they told me that they weren't allowed to replace a meter until it either becomes faulty or otherwise reaches the end of its useful life, but exactly who allegedly imposed this rule upon them was never explained).
I raised an appropriate complaint with the ombudsman, and I am now awaiting their verdict.
The problem...
My 'gas IHD' shows me, in up-to-the-minute real-time, how much the cost of my gas usage goes up through the day, based upon my current tariff.
My 'electricity IHD' CANNOT do the same because it has no tariff information at all!
My query...
Can anyone please tell me how (or if) my 'electricity IHD' can access up-to-date tariff information? It is a Secure Pipit 500.
Thanks in anticipation.