91 year-old concerned about recent high bill

  • Billchester's Avatar
    Level 3
    I am my 91 year old mothers carer . I sent her reading last week. They have returned saying she is £3000 in debit with electricity and that she hadnt sent readings for 90 days.this is untrue as i send every month ,she pays £119. Pm direct debit. . She lives in a small bungalow is on state pension. Has gas central heating boiler ,cooks twice a day in microwave . Once to heat up soup for lunch and a ready meal for dinner. Uses a washing machine and dryer twice a week. Mostly for pyjamas as she is housebound. I was rushed to hospital with heart failure brought on by the stress of this. When I got back to my mums after release from hospital she had no heat on and was covered in blankets and was only eating now cold food. The blankets are dangerous as they increase risk of falls. I have sent numerous emails but eon are just saying that is what she owes. She lived through WW2 and rationing she is now reduced to this. Last night she said she no longer wants to be here. All she has is me. And now I am not much help. Eon won't help and is impossible that she can be in such debit. But we have nowhere to turn. Will they cut her off
  • 18 Replies

  • Best Answer

    JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    Best Answer

    This makes difficult reading. I will tag @DebF_EONNext to see if she can assist in this. In the meantime you could check that the meter reading and other details on the bill are correct. You could then look back over previous bills to see where any error has occurred. If you know this bill is wrong then there is clearly an error and it can be sorted.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • Billchester's Avatar
    Level 3
    Thank you Joesosp I've already sent several emails mails. To Silindokuhle E.ON Next. He just continues to say this is correct ..I've gave all readings monthly in pictures as well as figures. They are saying I havnt. It's impossible she could be in this debit. In January she was in credit. I've contacted her care connect team. And I'm trying to get a date when they will cut her off. I'm going to move her into my downstairs but there is no shower as its upstairs but we will manage . The care connect can be moved into my home as she has a falls pendant etc. She worked from 14 until 68 mainly for NHS . We don't want any charity.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    On January, when she was in credit, was it an actual meter reading or an estimated one?

    This can be sorted. I’ve asked DebF to see if she can assist. She is part of the forum administration team and not customer service. Hang in there.
  • Billchester's Avatar
    Level 3
    I appreciate your help . But we have never had any debit in our lives. It is impossible these reading can be right. My own house is bigger I use far more to heat have so much more on. my bills have averaged £160 permonth .they just wont listen. Say that is what we owe end of. Say we can get help with debit . We don't want help with debit. The usage is impossible.
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar

    As @JoeSoap says, this makes very difficult reading. I was my elderly mothers carer for a number of years, so I know what anxieties you will be experiencing. If Eon-Next don't sort this quickly for you, I would suggest you contact people like Age UK, Citizens Advice, or, if your mum has a Care Package, her Care Manager at Social Services. There's always your or her local MP, who should be able to help. You certainly don't need this extra stress in addition to your caring responsibilities. @JoeSoap has contacted one of the staff at Eon Next to see what can be done. They are usually very helpful.
    Fingers crossed you'll get a quick solution🤞
    Last edited by Tommysgirl; 17-03-23 at 11:10. Reason: Adding info
  • Billchester's Avatar
    Level 3
    Just had another email saying we'll if you don't believe us go to citizens advice. Unfortunately I'm having to go into hospital in morning will be there most of week. These people you deal with just have no concern or understanding. She's just a silly old woman that can't use the I intent basically.
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    I fully understand your anxiety, and how isolated you feel when you meet these sort of hurdles. It is especially difficult when you are going into hospital, but you might be able to contact someone by phone from the hospital. There are Social Workers and other volunteers based in hospitals, who may be able to contact someone for you if you explain the circumstances.
  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hi there @Billchester,

    I'm Deb one of the Community Co-ordinators, sorry to read that you and your Mother have had a poor experience. I will personally look into this for you however I will have to take some account details so I can see what's happened here, please don't provide them on this thread, I will pop you a private message to take some more information from you 😊
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳

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  • Beki's Avatar
    @Billchester This is so sad to read and I'm so sorry that your mum has been through this.
    Myself and @DebF_EONNext are going to have a look into the account for you now and see what's going on.

    Have you got some recent photos of your mums meter at all?