Taking part in the scheme

  • jerryf's Avatar
    Level 1
    We Opted In to the Energy Shift Scheme is response to an invitation email on 17 Nov 22 but apart from then being redirected to the Eon Next login website we have not received any other communication.

    We are signed up to Marketing, have SMETS 2 smart meters and meet the required criteria.

    Having checked our account online I cannot find any reference to the Energy Shift Scheme or how to check if we are signed up to it.

    Have just sent an email to Customer Services regarding this following the activation of the Demand Flexibility Scheme yesterday but experince suggests we might have to wait several weeks for a reply.

    Anybody else experiencing the same issues or have found a way to sort it out?

  • 6 Replies

  • Mstty's Avatar
    Level 1
    You are potentially with the wrong supplier if you want to be included in all events that may be available.

    We are an Eon Next customer as well, never been chosen and meet all the criteria.

    We had to sign up to a 3rd party energy monitoring app to be included in their scheme. We chose loop but have heard good things from Hugo as well and they seem to pay more.

    For the future for a forward thinking company that includes all eligible customers in these and other schemes looks like it's Octopus for us when our current fix ends.
  • jerryf's Avatar
    Level 1

    See reply in Bold below from Eon Next (Yaeesh) in response to my query regarding criteria for Shift Energy Scheme. So it seems to say that even if you opted in to the Scheme you will not necessarily be invited to participate depending on your consumption - that begs the question of how Loop will offer a payback even when Eon Next don't.

    That said I am not sure Eon Next UK customer service and their offshore counterparts are joined up given the different responses we received to some other bill queries

    "A trend in the customers consumption shows to go higher at peak times. If their overall consumption is consistent or low, they may not be eligibleIf a customer contacts us saying they want to participate.

    We'll then contact the customer via email if they are eligible."
  • Mstty's Avatar
    Level 1

    I think you have hit the nail on the head there. Such confusing and conflicting information when you talke over email and twitter and I indeed found what appears to be the definitive information here that Customer Services refused to confirm and they still stuck to the view you don't need to do anything it is random.

    I do have a deadlock letter from Eon Next on this so have escalated to the ombudsman for poor customer service. I think it's the only way they might strive to be joined up if they get a few fines?

    As for Loop I asked to participate in the 19th Jan event and have been invited to join each one since. I have no reason to believe that won't continue and that is another failing of Eon Next that they don't seem to have been consistently inviting the chosen few.
  • Han_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hey @jerryf 😊

    How are you getting on? Did you take part in any of the events?
    🌍 Striving for a bigger, better and sustainable world!

    There are lots of new ways to contact us! If you do need us please
    👉get in touch👈

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  • jerryf's Avatar
    Level 1
    No we couldn't because I presume our normal usage was too low or not sufficiently variable to be invited to particiupate in any of the 'events'. See extracts below from discussions with Energy Shift Scheme team when I queried why we had not been invited to particpate even though we were registered to do so.

    There are many factors for a customer to be eligible. Some of which are:-

    Customer needs to have a smart meter actively sending us half hourly data
    -Customers also need to opt into eonnext offers .

    -A trend in the customers consumption shows to go higher at peak times. If their overall consumption is consistent or low, they may not be eligible If a customer contacts us saying they want to participate.

    We'll then contact the customer via email if they are eligible.

    If your consumption meets the requirement you would be contacted by the relevant team by email to conmfirm when and what yime this will take place

  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @jerryf that's a shame🤞 you are eligible for the next shift.
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳

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