Smets 1 sending inacurate readings

  • Quattro's Avatar
    Level 5
    I have a Liberty secure 100 smets 1 meter that had never sent smart readings to eon since I moved into the property March 2021, then suddenly last year on 20th November 2022 it started sending readings. Only trouble is the readings are in the region of 3,000 kWh lower to what the meter actually reads on it's display. It has sent 5 readings up to now and they are all in the region of 3,000 kWh off the mark. It's resulted in me getting a massive rebate that I do not want as it could cause problems when it eventually gets sorted and it has to be paid back. Anybody got ideas as to why meter is giving wrong readings.
  • 12 Replies

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    is it possible it’s a 2 tier meter E7 or E10? And that the other tier accounts for the missing units. You are referring the the actual meter and not any In Home Display?.

    I’d query this with an email to customer services with “smart remote readings do not agree with those on actual meter” in the subject line.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Quattro's Avatar
    Level 5
    @meldrewreborn Ok thanks for your input, says nothing on my bill about E7 or E10 and yes it is the meter as I don't have a IHD. Waiting for reply from customer services as to what action on my meter will be. Regards Quattro.
  • Quattro's Avatar
    Level 5
    Bit of an update here.

    I have just received a energy statement. Bill Reference: ******709 (21st Feb. 2023)for my electricity for the period 20th January 2023 - 19th February 2023. This was done by a "Smart" meter reading even though it is supposed to be dormant as stated in a previous email from you.

    The smart meter reading that is being sent is totally wrong, I checked the reading manually today 21st Feb 2023 on my meter by pushing button # 9 and taking today's reading and it is 19099.5 kWh.

    I have also checked some other readings over several days using button #6 on the meter and this may shed light on what is happening, if I press button #6 on my smart meter I get the following readings. ( these are only todays readings )

    STCH/DAY 049--540P

    IMP R01 0016339.4 033--000P

    IMP R02 0002760.1 000--000P
    Add these together and it totals 0019099.5, the same as my manual reading from today.

    The IMP--R01 reading looks to be the one the meter is using to send readings, I have checked this over several days and it increases by the same number of kWh/day as my manual readings do. The IMP R02 reading does not change and stays at 0002760.1. If you add IMP--R01 readings and IMP--R02 readings together they add up exactly to what my manual readings are as shown above. Maybe the meter was set up to work on dual rate by the previous energy provider and owner at my property and now it's showing IMP R02 as 000--000P ( no tariff ) it is not adding it together before sending reading. My bill is showing as a single rate meter in the box at top of page.

    I've sent this info to E-on but nothing seems to be happening to solve the problem.
    Last edited by Quattro; 24-02-23 at 10:53. Reason: new info
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    OK you have found out what the problem’s source is

    usually the two readings are sent and aggregated when a customer switches from a two tier tariff to a single tier. I’ll try to attract some help for you. @Han_EONNext
    Any chance of getting this corrected?
    Last edited by meldrewreborn; 24-02-23 at 11:53.
  • Anasa_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Good morning @Quattro Anasa here 👋 Welcome to the Community, I'm glad that you've been able to work out the issue with your meter, I can see that @meldrewreborn tried to flag this up for you, so this is just a quick one to see if you were able to get hold of anyone on the forum or elsewhere? If not please get in touch via one of our Social Media Platforms and one of our Digi Specialist will look into this for you, just out line everything you've said and what you think the resolution is and we'll get that sorted for you 😊
    'The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members’

    Did you know that we're open 24/7? There are lots of ways to contact us over here!📣

  • Quattro's Avatar
    Level 5
    @Anasa_EONNext, thanks for the reply Anasa. I already have contacted customer services but not much has happened. They have passed all the information on to the department dealing with meters but as yet nothing has happened. So at present I'm just waiting as fast as I can. Regards Quattro.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    The nexties on here seem to be barred from actually providing customer service to customers. So its an oft repeated refrain for them to tell you to go back to the customer service teams that have been tried before and failed to rectify the problem. I always recommend making a formal complaint in these circumstances, besides contacting customer services. I find email the best way because its gives you an audit trail for inclusion in the complaint process as well as saving time. Put "two tier meter to single tier tariff" in the subject line and all your details in the main message body.

    I'd also suggest putting the substantial refund into an interest bearing account as you will eventually need to repay it, but might as well benefit from the interest in the meantime.