What I am attempting to do is create a database of information concerning the makes and models of meters installed with the E.On Next customer base. The idea is that knowing what makes and models of meter, mostly smart but traditional ones too, I can hopefully put together a library of 'user information' on these meters.
They never give you a 'user guide' for the meters themselves, and all the time they are behaving properly, we rarely need to worry about them, but when they misbehave or stop being smart and you need to read data manually, or your meter doesn't display anything or just gives you some arcane error message the help up to now has been a bit sparse.
I don't need to see your meter serial numbers...just the make (e.g. Landis and Gyr) and the model number (e.g. G470-671) and the same for your comms hub.
That way, I should hopefully be able to trawl the Web to save you having to do it. The plan is to end up with as good a database as I can so you can just look up your meter and get the information you need...which buttons do what, what the displays mean, etc.
Smart, SPAYG, conventional...whatever info you can pass on to me, it will all help.
If you can provide information by Direct Message, it will save this thread getting too long and convoluted. Please don't send me your personal details or ask me general metering or account questions. I'm just trying to compile meter user guides, is all.
Retrotecchie 😎
Last edited by retrotecchie; 28-01-23 at 20:51.
Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.