What should I do if I am off supply?

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  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    During the winter months we see people go off supply more often - When we say off supply we mean there is no gas or electricity coming into the property. This could be for a number of reasons. It could be a power cut, it could be an issue with the meter or it could be through self disconnection if you haven’t topped up your meter.

    If you are off supply here are some of the checks and things that you should always do before contacting us:


    Could it be a gas leak?
    If you can you smell gas it’s important to follow these steps:

    • DON'T use ANY appliances, light, touch switches or light a flame
    • Open your windows and ventilate the property
    • If the meter is in a basement DO NOT enter the basement
    • If the meter is elsewhere, switch off the gas by turning the tap on the meter 90 degrees.
    • Leave the property and stay in a safe space
    • Call 0800 111 999 and a gas safe engineer will be sent to the property.

    Is it a boiler issue?
    Check that it isn’t an issue with your boiler. Make sure to check all of your gas appliances such as cooker, hot water, heating and anything else that uses gas. If you have gas coming into the property and it is a boiler issue, you will need to contact your own gas safe engineer or the company that services your boiler.

    Has your prepayment meter self disconnected?

    Please check that you have credit on your meter, have you topped up recently, if not then please top up. It is important to ensure that you still top up during the summer months even if your gas isn’t being used as you will still incur standing charges and any debt on the meter will still need to be paid. If your meter hasn’t been topped up for a longer period of time then all of these charges will be taken as soon as you top up.

    If you are off supply as you are struggling to top up your meter due to financial difficulties please contact our energy specialists who will be able to provide further support.

    Is there any error code showing on the meter?
    If you are off supply and there is an error code showing on the meter then please contact our energy specialists and let them know what code you are seeing.

    If you go off supply with gas it is really important to do these checks first. If it is deemed that it is an emergency then we will try to arrange an emergency engineer. Please note that priority will be given to those that are most vulnerable.

    If you have a medical condition or a health condition that you feel we should know about then please let us know as you may be entitled to be added to the Priority Services Register (PSR) you can find out more about the PSR


    Is it a power cut?
    It is important to check with your neighbours to see if others have been affected. If your neighbours are off supply too then this is a power cut. You can call 105 to check or report power cuts. If it is a power cut you should wait for the power to come back on, there is nothing that your supplier can do in this instance.

    Is it your fuse box?
    Check your fuse box, have any of your switches tripped? If it’s a problem with the fuse box or an appliance is tripping the power supply then you will need to contact your own electrician. We are unable to send an engineer for this.

    Is there a red light flashing?
    If you are off supply and there is a red light flashing on the meter this could mean there is a supply getting to the property however there is an issue with the meter itself. Contact our energy specialists for support.

    Has your prepayment meter self disconnected?
    Please check that you have credit on the meter, if not then you should top up. Your meter will have friendly hours (if you run out of credit during this time your meter will not disconnect) and emergency credit, if you use electricity during friendly hours or use your emergency credit this will be taken off of your next top up, so please keep this in mind as you may need to top up more to cover this.

    If you are off supply as you are struggling to top up your meter due to financial difficulties please contact our energy specialists who will be able to provide further support.

    If you have followed all of the steps above and are still off supply then you should contact our energy specialists to arrange an engineer. In your initial message it's important to tell them you are off supply, you should also provide your account information and what steps you have already taken. This will speed things up.

    If an engineer needs to be called you will be asked some questions to pass off to the ECO team. It may be helpful to have your answers already prepared for the energy specialists:

    ECO Questions:

    • Will someone over the age of 18 be at the property?
    • What is the best contact number for the engineer to contact?
    • Where is your meter located and is this less than 6ft of the ground with easy access?
    • Are there any vulnerabilities the engineer needs to be aware of? i.e something that may mean you need a little longer to answer the door
    • Are there any young children under 5 or elderly in the property?
    • Where can the engineer park, are there any parking restrictions such as paid parking, permits, gated access or road works to be aware of? If so, where should the engineer park?
    • Does anyone in the property current display COVID symptoms or has anyone had any COVID diagnosis in the past 14 days?
    • Any pets in the property such as large dogs or cats that the engineer needs to be aware of? Any pets will need to be out of the way for the engineer to work.
    Last edited by Connor_EONNext; 27-09-23 at 11:53.
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  • 4 Replies

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    DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Best Answer

    The problem seems to be 'contact the energy specialists'. If an ECO is necessary, but you cannot get through on the phone....

    As we always say @retrotecchie it is quickest to contact our energy specialists via social media, if you are off supply then you will be treated as a priority, however I understand what you are saying about people perhaps who do not have access to social media. Our phone lines are open Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm and we do have an out of hours number for emergencies 0800 501 5088 (we are aware that some people were having issues connecting to this over the weekend which has been flagged up). You can email hi@eonnext.com however in an emergency this isn't always the fastest way to get support so I would recommend using the other channels where possible.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    The problem seems to be 'contact the energy specialists'. If an ECO is necessary, but you cannot get through on the phone....
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Can I also add that there are also likely in winter to be 'supply' issues where the cause is not with a power cut or meter problems. Look at Shetland right now, or the events surrounding Storm Arwel last winter.

    This applies especially to folk in rural areas (like thee and me, Deb!). If it's a power line down, or a local fault with a transformer or substation, then no amount of trying to contact E.On Next or any other supplier will help.

    In the event of a supply problem upstream of your meter, the best option is to phone 105 to get information
    Last edited by DebF_EONNext; 27-03-23 at 18:25.
  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team

    Can I also add that there are also likely in winter to be 'supply' issues where the cause is not with a power cut or meter problems. Look at Shetland right now, or the events surrounding Storm Arwel last winter.

    This applies especially to folk in rural areas (like thee and me, Deb!). If it's a power line down, or a local fault with a transformer or substation, then no amount of trying to contact E.On Next or any other supplier will help.

    In the event of a supply problem upstream of your meter, the best option is to phone 105 to get information

    On the ⚽ again @retrotecchie this is actually a really important one. I guess this one also links into my thread about having a winter prep kit just in case. I know it was a somewhat joking post however it's always good to have a back up in case these things do happen. I was looking into a back up generator but some of them are so expensive 👀