Incorrect Transactions

  • Peregrine's Avatar
    Level 5

    I will try to be as brief as possible.

    (Each month I take meter readings and enter them online)

    On 4th Oct I called Customer Services with meter readings to arrange a bank transfer of the outstanding credit on my account. On completion of this call I turned to my account online to find numerous erroneous credit entries added to my transactions and a balance of circa £ 1,200.

    I suspected this was a 'Glitch in The Matrix', as it were, so logged out and logged back in again to find the credit entries replaced by debit entries, leaving an accumulative negative transaction balance of £ 427.59.

    I called again and the call handler agreed something was amiss and said not to worry the system will correct itself. It didn't.

    I emailed hi@eonnext and finally Eon's complaints email address three times with attachments, detailing the issue with my account. I received no reply.

    Thereafter 9 credit entries appeared and a £ 3.51 Customer service gesture. A bill was issued accounting for the incorrect debit and credit entries along with correct charges for Sept and charges for 1st - 3rd Oct.

    These incorrect +&- items, both online and billed have no basis in fact, i.e. do not relate to actual energy usage I have incurred and pay for. I pay by direct debit have been in credit for as long as I can remember.

    The correct balance was achieved on issue of October's bill and I received in my bank the credit balance leaving a correct £ 0.00 balance showing on my online account, which is important to note.

    I provided meter readings 8th November and again incorrect debit entries appeared in transactions; all labelled Electricity, 2 of which predate the credit balance transfer and the £ 0.00 balance, thereby throwing my account into disarray again.

    I called and was told that it would be looked into and I would receive a call back.

    I didn't receive a call, but some days later incorrect credit entries of too high accumulative value appeared which do not tally with incorrect debits. So, my balance is in credit above the value it should be.

    The Statement (bill) still hasn't been issued. November direct debit taken wasn't applied until 4 days after leaving my account. My account balance states £ 193.54 in credit. Whilst after debit charges, HMG's DEBS and DD for November are accounted for in isolation, the balance should state £ 85.12 in credit.

    The issue here for me is clarity and avoiding dispute in the long run, not to mention the disregard for accounting compliance.

    Has anyone experienced the same issue?

    Could it be the Wireless Automated Meter Reading System is drawing meter readings for other accounts and applying them to my account?

    Is it Eon's Web API to Eon's accounting system that is causing anomalies in billing?

    Thank you for reading.
  • 32 Replies

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    Sorry to hear this. We're other customers in the main- if we don't have E.on Next in our handles then we're just other customers, but with a breath of knowledge.

    Can I ask, if you have electricity and gas, or just one fuel? If just electricity, do you have a two-rate meter (e7 or E10 or something even more exotic)? As you are submitting manual readings, is that because you have a traditional meter, or is it because the smart meter is in dumb mode? Sorry for the questions -we only know what you tell us and it helps to be in full possession of relevant facts before we pontificate.

    If you got no reply to your complaint after 8 weeks, which seems likely, you could go direct to the ombudsman. Details in the complaints link in blue box below.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Peregrine's Avatar
    Level 5
    Hi meldrewreborn,

    Dual Fuel, single rate, smart meter although not registering, and I provide manual meter reads each month via my online account.

    You stated - "If you got no reply to your complaint after 8 weeks, which seems likely, you could go direct to the ombudsman." - Is it necessary to write Eon via snail mail beforehand?
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    No its not necessary to inform E.On Next - they've had their opportunity.

    When these incorrect transactions appear in your account are you able to download them to see what detail they offer? Readings may be "customer" "smart" "reader" for example.

    Can you try the citizens advice smart meter checker (for both meters) and post back the results?
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 59

    When these incorrect transactions appear in your account are you able to download them to see what detail they offer?

    Maybe a screenshot like this (this is my account) would help as the transactions have a description. TBH I'm really stuggling to work out what is going on.

    Name:  Transactions.jpg
Views: 1304
Size:  26.6 KB
    Last edited by Mailman; 30-11-22 at 16:36.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91
    In your shoes I would (for the time being) ignore the erroneous transactions and submit up-to-date meter readings today and ensure they show correctly in my online account. This will trigger a statement. I would then go back to the last statement I know to be correct. You can then work out how much you have consumed from the last good statement right up to today. From that you can work out from your tariff what you should have been billed for energy use since then. You can then use your known (correct) entries since the last good statement like DDs and any other payments made by yourself, EBSS payments, customer service gesture and any credit refund that has been applied to your account and received by you. With all this information, you (and Eon Next for that matter) can see exactly where your account should be today and with the correct balance at the end of it. You could then list these factual transactions in an email to customer service or complaints department so as everyone can see what should actually be showing on your account.

    This may not appeal to you but it is how I would approach the matter. However you pursue this I wish you luck. Please keep us informed of any progress.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • Peregrine's Avatar
    Level 5

    The first time incorrect online transactions entries stated simply Electricity or Gas, the second time all are Electricity.

    The bill raised after the initial glitch accounted for the debits by using units used within the parameter of units consumed in the past that had already been paid for. (A way of accounting for these incorrect debit entries I guess.) These canceled out by the accumulative total of the credits applied - Individually they didn't tally, i.e. one would expect, as in accounting, a debit error is canceled out with an equal value credit.

    This second time all are Electricity.

    Both Gas & Electricity meters are read each month and I have no reason to believe they are faulty.
  • Peregrine's Avatar
    Level 5


    I wish I could. I have perfectly good annotated pdfs detailing this issue converted to jpegs ready to go. But sadly I am a newbie and therefore forbidden to insert images atm.
  • Peregrine's Avatar
    Level 5

    Thank you for your advice.

    Unfortunately due to the issue Eon is not raising the statement after my meter readings provided on the 8th Oct. I received the confirmation email from them and as I am sure you know, it stated an up to date statement will be emailed in the next 48 hours. 23 days later on no sign of it, online or otherwise.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    you have not yet had any response in this thread from an E.On Next employee so we only know what you tell us.