Right now my FF has its compressor cycle on as I am sitting within a metre of it (it has a distinctive and unmistakeable hum). Easy enough to count the flashes when it (the compressor) is on, when it is switched on (but no compressor cycle) and even when it is switched off altogether. I know when my FF compressor cycle is off and I'm not using anything apart from the router and virgin 360 box on standby, one or two clocks I draw a baseline of about 35W and when the FF compressor boots on an extra 80W when it kicks in looking at the data from Bright and from observing the change in 'usage now' from my IHD. Perhaps the OP could confirm that his FF is not stuck with a constantly running compressor (symptomatic of for example a failed condensor fan motor etc). I can tell when the FF's compressor is not on by the lack of noise and also the data that bright tells me overnight for 30min usage periods - definitely not constant and my FF is the only thing that changes its power draw during the night. Hey up the compressor has just gone off with an attendant reduction in power draw.
Last edited by Mailman; 25-11-22 at 22:51.