Difference between bill and Tariff?

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  • rickc's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi all, after failing to contact EON via 'phone, and now I've been waiting days on Twitter and WhatsApp, so maybe someone here can help? (their customer service is unbelievably bad!)

    Anyhow, my Tariff (on app and online) is showing as Next Flex with :

    - electricity at 34.23 p/kWh (44.41 p/day standing charge)
    - gas at 10.46 p/kWh (28.48 p/day standing charge)

    so why does my latest bill (for October) have me being charged at:

    - electricity 49.59 p/kWh (42.298 p/day standing charge)
    - gas 14.175 p/kWh (27.128 p/day standing charge)


    That is all before the energy price guarantee (EPG), but that doesn't add up either. e.g.

    - for electricity 49.59 p/kWh (charge) - 17 p/kWh (EPG) = 32.59
    - for gas 14.175 p/kWh (charge) - 4.22 p/kWh (EPG) = 9.955

    Any ideas?

    What is my Tariff actually showing me?. It doesn't seem to relate to the price capped EPG rates? Or is it completely wrong and should be showing me the 'new' rates such as 49.59 for electricity?

    Thanks all
  • 3 Replies

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    First thing I'm wondering is, the rates on your bill are excluding VAT. On your account they include VAT... don't ask me why. If you add VAT by multiplying by 1.05 and then subtract the 17p and 4.22p then, if the resulting rates, on what presumably was a fixed tariff, are above the Next Flex rates then you will have been moved to Next Flex until 31 March as it is cheaper.

    Have a look at this post where the application of the EPG to fixed tariffs is explained.
    Last edited by JoeSoap; 09-11-22 at 15:59. Reason: Clarification
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • rickc's Avatar
    Level 1
    Thanks @JoeSoap, you're a genius !

    That linked post was helpful, and I hadn't realised the wierdness between 'Tariff' rate and the rate on the Bill (on indeed that VAT was 5% on gas/elec)

    Apparently (according to what it shows on the App) the Tariff rate includes VAT

    So, doing the maths based on the figures for what I paid for electricity:

    625.7 kWh @ 49.59 p/kWh = £310.33
    625.7 kWh @ 17.00 p/kWh (EPG) = -106.36
    Total = £203.97
    + VAT @ 5% = £ 10.2 (rounded)
    Grand Total = £214.17 (rounded)

    divide that by my 625.7 kWh usage gives a unit rate of 34.23 p/kWh (rounded)

    All as clear as mud ! but I've gotten there in the end.

    Now shall we run a sweepstake on how long it'll take for EON customer service to actually respond?

    How many of us are keen to move to Octopus I wonder ...
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Glad you got there. It's confusing right enough, especially when VAT is quoted in one place but not in another. My view is that I'm staying put until the end of my contract at least. If you're on a fix then you benefit by being on Next Flex until 31 March and then the very worst that can happen is you revert to your fix on 1 April until it ends.

    With all the changes and confusion I'm reluctant to do anything that will throw even more confusion into the mix.