SMET1 Meter that have not been migrated!! Now the SMET1 DDC shutdown

  • imstewart's Avatar
    Level 1
    I have been trying for months to get my old SMET1 meter upgraded but was always told that I had to wait until the DDC made the changes to upgrade my old meter, now that the DDC has shutdown the old SMET1 Datacentre [LINK] does that mean that I am left high and dry.

    I have spoken to EON Customer services but they do not seem any more info.

    Looking at my meter the WAN LED is now flashing constantly, as does seem to confirm that the smart meter is now no longer speaking to any backend system.

    Does anyone have any thoughts or what options that are available?

  • 5 Replies

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    It's not just a DCC issue, but also related to the shutdown nationally of the old 3G phone networks. The 3G networks which are the backbone of much of the Smart Metering system will all be completely shut down nationwide by 2032 but many telcos have already begun to switch off and decommission the equipment already.

    Where I am, EE switched off 3G on 31st September this year and Vodafone are shutting theirs off in March 2023, leaving much of Wales in a situation where all the smart meters (SMETS1 and 2) will just stop working. My wife had to change her EE phone last month and I have just been informed by Vodafone that my phone will no longer be operational, so I now need to go through the palaver of getting a new phone and a new contract.

    Newer meter systems in most of England and Wales, even ones being currently installed, will just turn into dumb meters. In some areas where meters can communicate between each other in a mesh system, and where DCC have put in their own infrastructure to act as a 'hub' for all the meshed 'nodes', not so much of a problem, but in rural areas where properties aren't close enough to each other for the mesh to work effectively, most bets are off.

    Infrastructure in the north of England and in Scotland is different, relying on LoRa, which is a low power, long range radio system. This doesn't use the 3G networks, but instead a system operated by Arquiva, the same lot running the Radio 4 long wave transmitter at Droitwich, which also provides the Radio Tele Switch system used by over 1.6 million Economy 7 and commercial customers. Allegedly, R4 long wave is scheduled to be 'deprecated' next year, i.e. switched off to save money, but Arquiva will still need to keep the transmitter running, just without Radio 4, in order to keep RTS running. It is not only used by the electricity system for demand management but also by several other agencies (Environment Agency being one).

    Anyway, your meter is now a dumb meter, so welcome to the 'old world'. Even if you got the meter upgraded or replaced by an SMETS2 unit, chances are, unless you are 'oop Narth', it too will revert to being a dumb meter in the very near future anyway.

    Very much newer communication hubs for smart meters are being rolled out which will work on an 868MHz frequency in a mesh system with DCC 'concentrators' in strategic locations gathering data from a cluster of meters in a single area, but this will only work in densely populated areas and where DCC can put in their infrastructure.

    The 868MHz band is currently allocated to mobile communications, and switch off of 3G will free up a chunk of spectrum that DCC can then use for ISM (Industrial, Scientific and Medical), but until 3G is shutdown in a particular area, DCC's kit doesn't play nicely. And, the exact same problem will happen, that 3G suffers from. If you live in a mobile 'not spot', it's likely that even the new systems won't work properly either. The data may be different, but the laws of physics and radio signal propagation are the same for smart meter comms as they are for telephone calls.

    Those are my thoughts. As to options, perhaps @theunknowntech may have some ideas.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    Also see this. I presume its written in jargon so that ordinary people (i.e. those affected ) don't understand what is going on.

    smets1-consultation-initial-closure-matters.pdf (
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    Also see this. I presume its written in jargon so that ordinary people (i.e. those affected ) don't understand what is going on.

    smets1-consultation-initial-closure-matters.pdf (

    And there was me thinking that my part of the electrical industry overused TLA's and FLA's... That document was certainly not approved by the PEC.

    TLA - Three Letter Abbreviation
    FLA - Four Letter Abbreviation, although the abbreviation itself is just a TLA
    PEC - Plain English Campaign

    Last edited by retrotecchie; 30-10-22 at 14:30.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Please show me photos of the meters first of all. Yours might not be part of that cohort!
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Also, SMETS2 Smart Meters run on the Telefonica WAN in Wales, in other words the O2 network. They won't be shut off while a need for GPRS still exists. :)