Anyway smart metering isn't free of charge is included in standing charges. This is point they install it and after it's stopping working nobody care and don't take responsibility.
Eon next not upholding conversation on chat when they receive uncomfortable request
Anyway smart metering isn't free of charge is included in standing charges. This is point they install it and after it's stopping working nobody care and don't take responsibility.
that’s because there are incentives for suppliers to install smart meters, but not to ensure that they remain fully functional thereafter.Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless. -
@Martintel on that basis very little in life is free. Have you any examples that you can think of?
It is free to have a smart meter fitted, you are not charged directly for that. However, they have to be developed, manufactured etc and that needs to be funded from somewhere, the last time I read something about it a figure of £13 billion was mentioned. The standing charge will include an element for the cost of smart meters, it also includes elements for other fixed costs and also a bit for the 30 odd energy providers that went bust.
It's no different to Income Tax or VAT, you have to pay it when required and you have no say on what that revenue is used for, like it or not. -
the NHS is largely free to us all, but of course it’s paid for through taxation. When you get a “buy one, get one free” offer do you believe the second one is really free? -
So you say, and in our “free” country you are , of course, entitled to you opinion, on whether smart meters are “free” or not. We too are able to say that we disagree.