Energy Bill Support Scheme payment

  • Nataflynn's Avatar
    Level 1
    @Mailman in other months my ebss payment wasnt credited however my DD was adjusted, this was the point i raised why did they manage to adjust the previous 5 months but didnt have time to on the 6th? lets see what happened, the gov uk website says that if you pay by monthly DD they adjust or you get a refund into your bank, Eon said yesterday we dont refund it. Lets see what happens but a load of rubbish they didnt have time to adjust, the fact is they didnt. Eon arent really interested instead closed my complaint said if you dont like how we handled in take it further.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    I'm trying to get to the root of your complaint. Here's how I see it...

    1. For the months of October to February your DD taken on 1st of each month has been adjusted down by £67 and a few days later the EBSS payment of £67 has been credited to your account.

    2. Your fixed term deal came to an end last month and you have moved to Next Flex and still pay by DD.

    3. Your March DD was taken on 1st of the month but the £67 discount was not applied.

    Have I read it correctly?

    If so, the £67 EBSS payment should still be credited to your account in the next few working days. Although your DD was higher than expected you will be no worse off as your energy account will be £67 more in credit than it would have been had the DD been reduced.

    My best guess is that as your tariff changed last month, your DD reset to its normal amount as a consequence. Although overall you are no worse off financially, your bank account will have £67 less in it this month than you were expecting and I think it's this that you have an issue with. If you have a healthy credit balance in your energy account you could apply for a refund, although that can take a couple of weeks.
    @meldrewreborn has posted previously (I think) that you can reclaim your DD payment through your bank but that may mean you lose your DD discount. Perhaps he can advise further on this.

    I hope you get it resolved in any case.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Have a shuufti at your account now. Mine's just showed up, credited as yesterday.

    So that's the balance of the gumment £400 and my AFP all done and dusted. Still awaiting the WHD but despite several calls to the helpline who have assured me we are eligible and E.On Next have been notified (twice!), still no news.

    Watch this space as they say....The EPG now looks like it's going to be maintained at £2500 for another 3months, by which time energy prices will, hopefully, be below the cap 🤞
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    reclaiming any incorrect DD is a one off action through your bank, and when I’ve had to do it quick and easy. The DD facility remains in place unaffected for future months.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar

    My £67 has shown up in the last hour or so too. I also saw the news article about the April EPG increase being likely to be scrapped. Let's hope so, and then prices are predicted to fall from July, not drastically, but it's better than them keep increasing anyway. Fingers crossed!🤞
    I hope the WHD gets sorted soon for you and all the other customers eligible for it.👍
    Last edited by Tommysgirl; 03-03-23 at 16:32. Reason: Adding info
  • Mailman's Avatar
    Level 61

    Have a shuufti at your account now. Mine's just showed up, credited as yesterday.

    So that's the balance of the gumment £400 and my AFP all done and dusted. Still awaiting the WHD but despite several calls to the helpline who have assured me we are eligible and E.On Next have been notified (twice!), still no news.

    Watch this space as they say....The EPG now looks like it's going to be maintained at £2500 for another 3months, by which time energy prices will, hopefully, be below the cap 🤞

    Yes it landed sometime today. 👍

    Re EPG, if no increases happen, I suspect (Mystic Meg speaking here), this will be now be kept until Budget day along with a hefty rise in fuel duties (which some say is long overdue) and other unpleasant fiscal adjustments for some.
  • Tommysgirl's Avatar
    You could have hit the nail on the head with your predictions there. I agree, any announcements will be held until Budget Day, so we have to 'wait and see' 👍
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    An announcement may well wait to budget day. In recent years fuel duties have been continually frozen and this seems to be regarded as being good. I’m not so sure. The government will always tweak things in a budget but I don’t think there is any pressing need to raise taxation, particularly as the EPG is now likely to be massively less expensive than previously forecast.
    hopefully I can ditch my fix deal from July as the price of gas is forecast then to be half of my fix.