FOR 2024, HEAD TO 2024 Warm Home Discount.
Good afternoon guys 😁,
We have seen more questions regarding the Warm Home Discount (WHD) knocking around, not just here on the Community, but within our customer services too. We have decided to do things a little different this year. For those in England & Wales you don't need to apply as we will be applying automatically for those eligible between November 2022 and March 2023.
England & Wales:
We will work with the DWP to identify eligible customers and apply the discount to their accounts. This year we will have 2 core groups that will be identified.
Core Group 1:
- Just like in previous years, the discount will include low income pensioners in receipt of the guaranteed element of pension credit.
Core Group 2:
- Include those in receipt of means tested benefits with the highest heating costs.
The eligible benefits include:
- Income related Employment and Support Allowance, Income based Jobseeker’s Allowance, Income Support, Universal Credit, Housing benefit, Child Tax Credits and Working Tax Credits or Pension Credit Savings Credit.
In Scotland, we aren't 100% sure on what is happening in regards to the application and we are waiting on an update by November 2022. So far, what we know is that those in Core Group will not need to apply, but those in the Broader Group will have to apply.
Core Group:
- Similarly to those in England & Wales, the discount will include low income pensioners in receipt of the guaranteed element of pension credit.
Broader Group:
- Those in receipt of eligible benefits in Scotland and need to apply from early to middle of November 2023. The broader group application window is currently closed and not expected to open until this coming winter.
How will these rebates be paid?
- If you have a classic credit meter or a SMART meter this will be applied as a credit in your energy account.
- Traditional Prepayment customers will receive a voucher that they can redeem at the post office in retrurn for a top up key.
- Smart Pay As You Go customers will have the discount applied directly to their meters.
If you do want to look into things in more detail please visit the links listed below 😌
- .Gov website 👉
Of course we will be updating you with more information regarding WHD in Scotland as soon as we can 😊
Last edited by Han_EONNext; 1 Week Ago at 08:44.
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