The smart meters send readings back to E.On Next. From that your consumption is derived and the correct tariff prices as stored in your online account are applied and a bill raised. This is where your bills are calculated, not in your meters or the IHD.
In theory the smart meters should be updated with the correct tariffs and then communicate these to the IHD (but only as a guide), but the full commissioning process takes weeks and only then will things come right. Many thousands of meters are installed every day, but sometimes the communication doesn't work correctly, and it can take ages to resolve. In the meantime, work out what your units of consumption cost each. Those prices will not change now for 2 years so understanding them will be of long term benefit. You should come out that a unit of electricity is circa 35p, and 1 cu.mt of gas is about £1.15 - rates are regional so vary a bit, and then there is the standing charge.
The standing charge has to be paid so take a note of it, but you cannot reduce it. You consumption though is entirely under your control - get used to thinking in consumption units and strive to reduce them if like most of the population the cost of energy is a cause for concern.