Tariff rates showing what they would've been before the EPG

  • Beki's Avatar
    @SnAkEs1210 I can see that it was a few days between your messages. At one stage, we were nearly 3 weeks behind in the backlog of messages.
    It's no excuse, but perhaps some perspective. I'm really sorry and will of course feed this back to our Digi team. ๐Ÿ˜…
  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar
    Hey @SnAkEs1210 ๐Ÿ‘‹

    I'm really sorry that it came to you leaving but, I am really glad that Octopus are treating you well.
    If you want to, I'd love to take some feedback so we can see where we went wrong and how we can improve for future customers.

    So as you can see, pretty appalling really. Im trying to work out how to export my twitter DM but can only screenshot it and this forum doesn't support images or videos.

    But yeah, customer service needs to be dramatically improved for a start.

    Energy prices are high across all suppliers and are currently capped so we can't expect this to be improved anytime soon. Same price no matter which company you are with.

    As for feed in tariffs, e.on have already told me previously, and I quote "Ofgem set the prices for FIT" so this means that the measly 3p offered cannot be increased at all. I was also told that the only other option was for me to fit batteries to my solar panels but they are obviously incredibly expensive.

    Fortunately other companies (and I didn't realise this and listened blindly to e.on) don't seem to abide by Ofgems strict rules of only paying 3p per KWh for exported energy and in fact, offer five times that amount.

    so in summary Octopus Energy have great customer service, massively better and fairer feed in tariff by way of 15p per KWh, ยฃ50 added to your account for being a new customer and their app is so much better and actually allows you to monitor your energy usage remotely.

    If you think that e.on can compete in anyway shape or form with what I have said above, let me know. Remember I'm on a variable tariff and can switch to any supplier at anytime without incurring an exit fee so can quite easily switch back.
  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar
    @SnAkEs1210 I can see that it was a few days between your messages. At one stage, we were nearly 3 weeks behind in the backlog of messages.
    It's no excuse, but perhaps some perspective. I'm really sorry and will of course feed this back to our Digi team. ๐Ÿ˜…

    a few days between my messages? I was waiting for a response since the 29th of September in that conversation, not once did I hear anything back.

    I contacted e.on on the 29th of September.

    E.on sent an automated response on the 8th of october

    I then responded on the 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th

    I then recieved the same automated response on the 22nd of October and I had given up by then.

    Where is the few days inbetween responses? I responded within one day so how is this in anyway my fault?

    As I previously said, I was also trying to contact e.on via email and even on twitter of all places. Nothing. Well actually, I finally got an email back after I had already switched energy supplier on the 28th of October.
    Last edited by SnAkEs1210; 04-11-22 at 20:49.
  • Beki's Avatar
    Excuse my bad choice of wording, I did mean between your messages, not responses. We were aware that our demand had increased significantly over all channels, social media, whatsapp and phones and emails. All I can do is apologise for that delay.

    It's such a fantastic offer that Octopus have at the moment and a great response to the energy crisis.
    I have seen that this is an 'agile tariff' so the prices rise and fall with the market, which at the moment are much higher. They also have the benefit of having smart only customers! ๐Ÿ™Œ

    I don't know at the moment if E.ON Next plan to do anything similar, but I have posed the question to a friend in the SEG team. ๐Ÿ˜Š
    Last edited by Beki; 04-11-22 at 20:52.
  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar

    No, that is incorrect, it is a fixed rate. They do offer an agile tariff too though. Here, let me quote their offerings

    "Outgoing Octopus comes in two flavours โ€“ Fixed or Agile. Outgoing Fixed guarantees 15p per kWh for every unit you export. Outgoing Agile matches your half-hourly prices with day-ahead wholesale rates, helping you make the most of the energy you generate."

    and here is where I quoted it from

    Last edited by SnAkEs1210; 04-11-22 at 22:25.
  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar
    Excuse my bad choice of wording, I did mean between your messages, not responses. We were aware that our demand had increased significantly over all channels, social media, whatsapp and phones and emails. All I can do is apologise for that delay.

    It's such a fantastic offer that Octopus have at the moment and a great response to the energy crisis.
    I have seen that this is an 'agile tariff' so the prices rise and fall with the market, which at the moment are much higher. They also have the benefit of having smart only customers! ๐Ÿ™Œ

    I don't know at the moment if E.ON Next plan to do anything similar, but I have posed the question to a friend in the SEG team. ๐Ÿ˜Š

    I have already spoke to e.on about this and they told me they have no plans to revise feedin tariffs several times
  • Beki's Avatar
    "Outgoing Octopus comes in two flavours โ€“ Fixed or Agile. Outgoing Fixed guarantees 15p per kWh for every unit you export. Outgoing Agile matches your half-hourly prices with day-ahead wholesale rates, helping you make the most of the energy you generate."

    That is fantastic! How amazing they are offering that to customers ๐Ÿ˜Š
  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar

    That is fantastic! How amazing they are offering that to customers ๐Ÿ˜Š

    It is indeed. Many people have asked if the 3p feed in tariff will be increased by e.on on this forum. Some even complain about being ripped off and i totally understand. E.on wants to charge its customers 53p per KWh consumed but only wants to pay 3p for energy produced and for me, personally I think these customers have the right to know that they are entitled to more and can get more money for the energy they produce, especially during the cost of living crisis.

    Families are currently struggling to get by and in some cases, this needn't be the case. The correct information needs to be given out. With the current price of energy, people need to be treated more fairly when they produce energy. I have been hearing about fears of energy blackouts on the news and to avoid using energy during peak times. Well a lot of people who have solar panels are at work during the day. The majority of the energy I produce goes back in to the grid for this very reason. Surely solar panels will help combat these energy blackouts?

    Personally I think every house should have solar panels fitted. How can that possibly be a bad thing? The only problem is that there is not enough incentive for people to fork out large amounts of money to have them fitted when Ofgem allows huge companies to pay the already struggling British people next to nothing for the energy they produce.

    "We" claim to want a greener future, but do we actually, or is it more about money, greed and profits?
    Last edited by SnAkEs1210; 04-11-22 at 21:26.
  • Beki's Avatar
    @SnAkEs1210 You raise some really great points and I do in some ways agree with you. I wondered if you fancied heading over to the Solar & Storage part of the forum and we can continue to chat about this without deterring from the purpose of this thread.

    I'm really passionate about the climate and I 100% agree that the energy industry and the gov need to do more to drive the solutions.
  • SnAkEs1210's Avatar
    @SnAkEs1210 You raise some really great points and I do in some ways agree with you. I wondered if you fancied heading over to the Solar & Storage part of the forum and we can continue to chat about this without deterring from the purpose of this thread.

    I'm really passionate about the climate and I 100% agree that the energy industry and the gov need to do more to drive the solutions.

    I have already posted many times in that section of this forum. I, like many on here can't seem to understand what is going on in that respect and e.on have responded by saying Ofgem have set the price at 3p. E.on are apparently "not responsible" and have "no influence" on this. There is no room for negotiation.

    The main topic of this thread is incorrect variable tariffs and little or no customer support regarding the matter leaving people to panic amongst themselves. Even one of the E.on volunteers said

    "Unfortunately, the community team appears to have abandoned the community and it's left to just volunteers like myself, @meldrewreborn @Andy65 and @JoeSoap to run the show. We're unable to access your accounts or make changes as we're not allowed to do that.

    The best I can hope for in all of your cases is that things get fixed retroactively. I'm supplied by OVO myself so I don't know what's going to happen next."

    "No worries. To be brutally honest, I'm starting to re-evaluate whether I want to continue being on here at all with the way things are going. I fear the abandonment from the community team could cause more problems than it solves and I'm not keen to have to tell absolutely everyone that none of my previous solutions work anymore."

    Pretty much sums everything up really