Strangely, I don’t have the same problems as you. I wonder why that is. It takes two to tango they say.
That must be wonderful. I'd love to have bills which arrive on the same day each month (to make comparison easy). I'd love it if EONext didn't send me advice of inflated direct debits, or direct debits which they have calculated incorrectly. And it would be really nice if they could join the 21st century and credit my account with payments in less than their usual 5 days. Banks have discovered how to do it in 2hours, Why are EONext's systems so flaky.
And to think, we have to go through all this palava in March when EONext have to put our direct debits up again.
the prices for units are fixed for two years, only standing charges might change every 3 months per OFGEM reviews. Try to keep up there and stop misinforming others.
Last edited by meldrewreborn; 01-10-22 at 19:50.
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
@Han_EONNext Please can you tell my why my online account is showing that unit costs for electricity will be 51.32 p/lWh and standing charge 43.26 p/kWh (inc vat) when I'm on the standard variable rate?
Mine said that too, but are now showing correctly online with no intervention from myself.
IHD elec prices have also now updated.
Still waiting on the gas.
Dunno if gas is in process, or if cos didn't happen with electric it's broke. My gas didn't auto update last time either, so may well need a manual push facilitated.
My IHD updated for gas 24 hours after I received the electricity update so I suggest giving it a few days. If it doesn't update you'll need to go through Customer Services as it can no longer be done through here.
@Han_EONNext Please can you tell my why my online account is showing that unit costs for electricity will be 51.32 p/lWh and standing charge 43.26 p/kWh (inc vat) when I'm on the standard variable rate?
Gas has now updated on my IHD with no input from me.
That's both Gas and Electric by the 4th day
Good job this time E.ON Next. impressed.
@Han_EONNext @PeterT_EONNext
Last edited by DadiBisson; 04-10-22 at 18:12.
Reason: .
@DadiBisson Gas updated on my IHD a few days after 1st October but the electricity still hasn't updated. I noticed a link somewhere on this thread which advised waiting 2/3 weeks so I'll give it a while longer.
It is good to see that questions are being answered, IHDs are being updated and things are running smoother.
I trust that nobody is having issues with their tariffs anymore?
In regards to the IHD, the rates/prices can take a little longer to update for you! So keep an eye on it but if you are still having trouble with it after 2 or 3 weeks or so please try and update it by doing the following:
Check the power is on.
Hold the on/off button to turn the power off and let go when the screen says goodbye/goes blank.
Unplug the IHD and stand in front of the Electricity smart meter (do not plug it in as the battery lasts up to 1 hour) then hold the same on/off button but let go as soon as you see the screen coming back to life (hold for too long and it will switch off again).
Wait until it looks like it's fully reset or leave the IHD by the meter for up to 10 mins.
You can then return the IHD to where you had it and plug it in. (the Bluetooth type signal can reach up to 10 metres but thick walls reduce the distance).
If you reset the device and the IHD still is not updated then please let our Customer Services know 👉here👈 and explain you have already completed the reset. They will do the rest for you 😊.
🌍 Striving for a bigger, better and sustainable world!
There are lots of new ways to contact us! If you do need us please 👉get in touch👈
Thinking about replacing your boiler? You can find out more about our boiler solutions 👉 HERE 👈
Are we to assume that if your online account tariff information is still incorrect (i.e. full reduction to cap has not yet happened), that IHD's and Meters will also show the (now incorrect) old tariffs?
The IHD will not change unless your tariff has changed if that makes sense?
So the tariff can change, but the IHD is yet to be updated... but the IHD won't update if the tariff has not updated!
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