Adding a second property to my account

  • DavidPatrick's Avatar

    We are about to move into a new home, but will continue to be responsible for bills in our current property for a few months (expiration of rental agreement).
    Can you tell me how I can add a second address to my EonNext account? We would like to continue with EonNext at our new home, and there is a period when there is an overlap (I,e, we are responsible for both addresses)
    Is it as simple as just creating a new account? The new property is currently supplied by Utilities Warehouse, but we would like to switch it to Eon.
    Any ideas?

    Many thanks,
    Last edited by Han_EONNext; 22-09-22 at 08:28.
  • 3 Replies

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Perhaps it would be easier and have less risk of confusion to stick with the current supplier in the new property for the time being. On the standard variable tariff there probably won’t be much price difference, if any, and when you end your rental agreement in your old house you should just be able to switch to Eon Next at your new house without penalty.

    Perhaps others will have better suggestions for you.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • DavidPatrick's Avatar

    Perhaps it would be easier and have less risk of confusion to stick with the current supplier in the new property for the time being.

    Good point, well made! :-)

    the urge to move quickly from UW is more an aversion to their model than anything else, and as you say, chances are prices are going to be very similar.
  • Bennie_R97's Avatar
    Hi @DavidPatrick, it will be the case to get the process of switching suppliers. We will need the details of the new property and then create a new account to link under your current one.

    Our Customer service over social media can be very helpful. If you don't really use social media though, this thread has all the different ways of how you can get in touch with us.

    Also if you have specific questions, I am sure they can be really helpful 😀