15 Jul 2024 883.0 Smart meter reading
1 Aug 2024 884.0 Customer reading
Consumption 1.0 Units (m3)
Unit consumed (cubic metres)
× Volume correction (for temperature & pressure)
× Calorific value (energy in each m3 of gas)
÷ 3.6 (convert from joules)
For you:
1.0 × 1.02264 × 39.7† ÷ 3.6 = 11.8
(The equation - left of the = sign) has no roundings for cubic meters (1.0) and the only variant is the "†Average calorific value shown to one decimal place" - 39.7 in this instance
Now, using a calculator 1.0 × 1.02264 × 39.7† ÷ 3.6 = 11.27745 (or 11.28/11.3 to 1 dec place) NOT 11.8
Simple primary school maths and Eon are getting it wrong
PS - In order to arrive at a result of 11.8, the average calorific value would have to be 41.6 - can't round up 39.7 to 41.6
Hi @
What has happened with your bill as shown above is that they always show Smart readings rounding up/down to the nearest 0.1m3. If you had checked your actual reading at the time it would have been approximately 883.043m3, but it rounds down to 883.0 on your bill. It shows a usage of 1.0m3 (again rounded down) but in the actual calculation they've used 1.043m3.
There has never been, and still isn't, any doubt in my mind that e.onnext are aren't correctly calculating bills correctly. What is wrong, and I said this when this post started two years ago, is that they only show m3 to one decimal place and round up/down. Therefore, as in your case it can look wrong, especially where you have a Smart reading because they're taken to 3 decimal places.
Below is my latest bill. I've used 0.1m3 which they say is 0.8kWh. If you do the calculation you'll see that 0.1m3 is 1.1135kWh. Therefore the 0.1m3 shown isn't right because of the rounding up/down BUT the actual usage to 3 decimal places has been used to calculate the bill.
I hope this proves to you that the actual billing is correct, what is wrong is they way that they round up/down for bill presentation purposes, and it is only for presentation purposes.