How to remove a smart meter in a new build?

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  • basin7389's Avatar
    Level 6
    @theunknowntech Thank you for the good run down, it's appreciated you took the time, and effort to respond in such a detailed way.

    I feel my worries are still valid, just because someone hasn't breached the security now, or used the devices to their full surveillance capabilities, doesn't mean it won't happen in the future.

    If I was a bad actor, and I knew that millions of houses had potential to be remotely monitored, surveilled and the potential capability to switch off energy to them, wouldn't I focus on trying to best that security? Like I said, it's not a matter of if, but when in the cyber security world. Mitigation of potential attack vectors is all we can do. Handing over this capability to faceless corporations, government intervention, and others, hoping it will go well doesn't seem like a great option to me.

    The same could be said about the surveillance aspect, just because the functionality isn't used now, there is no guarantee bad actors won't decide to use these tools in the future. These devices are capable of a lot more than what appears to be on the surface. Who's to say the rules don't change? Who's to say we won't be monitored, in our households because of some arbitrary nonsense a government body cooks up? Anyone that doubts this could be a possibility in the future needs to take a look at what has happened over the last few years.

    Just because everyone else is doing it, doesn't make it the thing we should all be doing.
  • basin7389's Avatar
    Level 6
    @theunknowntech, here is a great article from Prof Bill Buchanan OBE, a professor of Cryptography I've just found if you're interested. He goes into great detail the pitfalls and dangers we might face with this smart meter roll out.

    SMETS 2 … A Step Forward in Energy Saving or a Backdoor To Bring Down A Country?
  • basin7389's Avatar
    Level 6
    I should update this thread.

    E.ON kindly converted my meters once I'd moved into my new house. This was done in a reasonable time period of a few weeks.

    All I did was send them a note requesting the "smart" devices be swapped out, citing privacy concerns, and revoking any permission they would have had by surveiling my private household via their devices.

    I had to pay £250, I did this happily.

    The service was fast, the customer center great to talk with.

    All in, I'm a very happy customer.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    That seemed easy enough then. I wonder if that was possible purely due to it being a new build or if anyone can have smart meters removed by citing privacy concerns.

    Have your smart meters been removed and replaced by traditional non-smart meters? If so, did they appear to be brand new and were they set at zero? Or was the comms hub just removed or something?

    In any case, well done for getting what you wanted. Everything I’ve read on this forum about getting smart meters replaced with non-smart ones suggests you’ve achieved the impossible.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • basin7389's Avatar
    Level 6

    Both my gas, and electricity smart meters were planned to be removed in place of traditional meters. The fact my property was a new build wasn't mentioned my myself, or E.ON.

    When the engineer arrived with the devices, he explained that if the electricity meter were to be removed, it would effectively render the gas meter useless from a smart standpoint. Sure enough, my gas meter is now dumb, and unable to connect. This was confirmed by the E.ON team too. We just had the electric meter replaced, rendering our system dumb.

    I've just looked back through my emails in February of this year, the exact costs were quoted as follows;
    Exchange Smart meter to Classic Credit (Single Fuel - Non - Faulty)
    Gas = £235.00
    Electric = £235.00
    Total charge = £470.00
    Privacy laws are powerful things, companies that breach them can face massive fines. It's my assumption that this triggered something in the system that they didn't want to risk screwing up.

    If anyone has legitimate privacy concerns regarding the smart meters, as I did, maybe this will help alleviate them.

    The E.ON team were fantastic, I couldn't be happier with their help.

    Here is my original email to them, their response was swift, and arrived the very next day.

    Dear e.on next customer services team,

    I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to express my concerns about the installation and use of smart meters and to kindly request the installation of a traditional meter at my property instead.

    As you may know, smart meters collect personal information and may allow for the potential monitoring of my family's and individual use of electrical equipment, which is a cause for concern for me. I am exercising my lawful right to forbid, refuse, and deny consent for any monitoring, eavesdropping, and surveillance devices on my property, my place of residence, and my place of occupancy. This applies to smart meters and all other types of monitoring devices.

    Please be advised that any attempt to use any such device directed at me, my property, or my residence will constitute trespassing, stalking, wiretapping, and unlawful surveillance, which are all prohibited and punishable by law through criminal and civil complaints. All parties responsible for installing or operating monitoring devices without my written consent will be fully liable for any violations, intrusions, harm, or negative consequences caused by those devices.

    I would appreciate your understanding of my concerns and your assistance in making this change as soon as possible. This is a legal notice, and after its delivery, the liabilities listed above may not be denied or avoided by named and implied parties.

    Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

    Best regards,

  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Thanks for sharing that. I’m sure this will come as news to a lot of people. I’m in the opposite situation to you as my meters are currently not communicating but I am trying to get that fixed.

    Good to see we can have a choice.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    you were lucky to get the meter exchanged , I’m sure it wouldn’t happen again.

    the privacy law apply to all customers and changing one meter is pretty irrelevant in the overall scheme of things.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • basin7389's Avatar
    Level 6
    @meldrewreborn I didn't get that impression. The engineer has been swapping them out quite a bit, apparently, there is demand, and companies are reciprocating.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    i think the key element being the exchange of filthy lucre