Smart Meters Will Be Disconnected

  • Logan's Avatar
    Level 0

    This message is for anyone either with an existing Smart Meter, or anyone thinking of getting one. What the government and all the fuel providers haven't told customers, is that because all Smart Meters use the much older 2G and 3G mobile phone networks to send meter readings, and that 5G mobile networks are being gradually phased in, with 4G as a backup, witnin the next 2 to 3 years, the 2G and 3G mobile networks will be switched off permanently, rendering all Smart Meters unable to function. The fuel providers won't upgrade their Smart Meters either, because it will be much too expensive for them, to keep replacing the Smart Meters every few years. Also, people living in rural area will likely have the most problems with existing Smart Meters, due to weak mobile signals.

    This situation wasn't foreseen by the government 5 years ago, as 4G had only just been started on, and there were no existing plans to switch off the 2G and 3G mobile phone networks. The 2G and 3G mobile phone networks are being switched off, because very few customers will be using them in 2-3 years time, so the mobile phone networks won't be running an older technology for a minority of customers, due to cost.

    I have over 30 years experience of using technology and working in I.T, and while I don't consider myself an expert, I do have an advanced understanding of this.
  • 4 Replies

  • Best Answer

    theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 79
    Best Answer
    This is incorrect. Smart Meters will never lose basic functionality, your supply will NEVER be disconnected just because the comms have gone down and there are in fact 4G Comms Hubs being tested right now. The fix is as simple as swapping out the Comms Hubs with new 4G Comms Hubs once they launch - and besides, the EDMI Standard 420 and EDMI Variant 450 Comms Hubs used in the Northern Territory won't be affected anyway because they use Long-Range Radio and run on a completely different technology.

    And on top of that, Mesh functionality in the Toshiba/WNC SKU2 and SKU3 Comms Hubs eliminates weak phone signal issues by rerouting comms through a Comms Hub that has a WAN connection elsewhere in the area.

    Also, 2G has been around for nearly 20 years at this point, which is an extremely long lifespan for any kind of technology. I'm highly confident that 4G will stick around for some time as well, possibly even 20 years or more.

    In future, I would recommend you try to do some proper research before posting things like this. Speculation isn't helpful and only adds to confusion. If you want a good source of information, check out sites like SmartMe which is one I'm always using myself.

    Both myself and my friend Blastoise186 have several years experience in IT as well. In actual fact, Blastoise has 10 years field experience in IT and three years experience in cybersecurity. And given that Blastoise now also has nearly three years of experience as a forum volunteer on the OVO Forum, he's learnt a ton about how everything works. As a result, he knows what he's talking about when he tells me this stuff - and there's a lot to learn!
    Last edited by theunknowntech; 14-08-22 at 19:48.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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  • MarieM's Avatar
    Level 1
    My Smart meters don't work as Smart meters right now! They're only 2 weeks after installation and Eonnext is failing to connect to them. We're in an area with good mobile signal. They can't cope right now so it seems quite likely that 4G will introduce more problems. The knowledgeable theunknowntech comments that "there are in fact 4G Comms Hubs being tested right now" - being tested could go either way - pass or fail! My current experience doesn't make me hopeful that they'll work!
  • Anasa_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @MarieM I'm so sorry to hear that your smart meter isn't working, I've had a quick look and we've got up to date smart reads from 19th August so it looks like everything is up and running? 🤔 The unknowntech is correct Smart Meters will never lose basic functionality, hopefully this will put your mind at rest - if you do need to have a chat about your smart meters please get in touch with one of our Digi Energy Specialist via one of our Social Media platforms 😊
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  • MarieM's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi Anasa,
    The smart meters do seem to be working now. I was a bit fazed by how long it took for EonNext to be able to connect after installation. I think the information that it takes weeks to get them up and running should be made clear prior to installation. Anyway, it's all good now. Thank you for contacting me about it and for your suggestion to get in touch with a Digi Energy Specialist. 😀