Don`t Pay campaign this Autumn.

  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1
    Do you actually have any idea how miniscule the profit margins for an energy supplier are? It doesn't sound like you do, but I can tell you it's around 1% at the best of times because over 95% of the rest goes on expenses of all sort of types. Plus there's the thousands or even tens of thousands of employees at all those companies - many of whom don't get crazy high salaries. Those costs quickly add up.

    And besides, none of that has anything to do with the issue at hand. The super high wholesale gas prices are the problem. Energy suppliers want to bring prices down, but they can't right now because it'd cripple them.

    To me, I'm getting the impression you're on some personal vendetta more than anything else. I don't see that campaign getting to its goals and it will only make things worse either way. You may as well abandon it.

    What a croc. So the energy companies don't make any profit then? A net profit is when everything else has been paid out. IE wages, equipment and so on.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Not right now they aren't. Wholesale prices are through the roof, but the Ofgem Default Tariff Cap has been pinned to below that. There's a reason that 30 suppliers collapsed last year!

    You can sit here all day and try to defeat me, but trust me... That's not gonna happen. I very much doubt the other forum volunteers will support the campaign and I strongly echo the same advice that the moderators have given out already. The campaign won't fix anything - it'll just hurt me and millions of others who either didn't want to take part or don't know about it.

    Oh, and your tags on this thread seem to be sending out mixed messages. Ya might want to fix that. XD
    Last edited by theunknowntech; 09-08-22 at 09:47.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1
    * People who haven't had breakfast and/or lunch TODAY, because they can't afford it.
    Please provide proof of that - I don't accept unfounded or unverifiable claims

    * People using FoodBanks because food is becoming more of a luxury than a necessity.

    I've not seen any reports of this

    * Children celebrating a birthday without presents.

    There are still ways to celebrate anyway. I always get terrible Christmas and Birthday presents these days anyway but I still try to enjoy the occasion

    * Parents worrying about new school uniforms - and some schools enforcing rules which are not cost-effective.

    Maybe... Try talking to the headteacher for help? Schools might be flexible in some cases

    * People who can't get to work because they can't afford to put petrol in their cars/pay for public transport anymore.

    Railcards, season tickets, bus passes, work from home, walking... Tons of options to avoid that problem

    *People who are working so much they're making themselves ill, and they STILL CAN'T AFFORD to pay their bills.

    UK Law bans forcing employees to overwork themselves to such an extent

    * People who have been given fines by these same energy/water companies because they couldn't afford to pay their bills in the first place - increasing their debt.
    There's tons of ways to resolve this. If you're struggling, don't suffer in silence. StepChange is a great resource, as is simply talking to your supplier. Doing that can easily avoid late fees, you just need to work with your supplier!

    * Customers being told to do STAR JUMPS TO KEEP WARM for crying out loud!

    So...? You're saying to just be lazy and sit on the sofa?

    * Hose pipe bans when gallons of water leak away everyday.

    Do you have any idea how hard it is to maintain such huge infrastructure? Maybe you should give it a try

    * Elderly people NOT DRINKING because they're worried about running out of water!!! All this and energy prices are set to rise up to 75% in October... THIS IS MADNESS!.. I'm all for supporting profits ..I'm not for supporting greed at the cost of lives of others..

    Again, this isn't valid. If you're struggling, talk to your supplier and they can help.

    Yet more croc. you need to live in the real world. i have tried to talk to eon next via email, text, what's app on here and yep not one single reply. Phones are a waist of time. as i get passed around then cut off.

    If the price hick planned for next January is as they say £4,200 per year that is just under my yearly income before paying anything out. so dont site there and try tell me things i know alot about.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    If you genuinely just need help, you could have said that at the start. I can try to ask @PeterT_EONNext to stop by, but you'll probably need to use another thread so that he can keep up.

    I do live in the real world, but I'm not supplied by E.On or E.On Next. My only link is that I'm a forum volunteer who helps out in my spare time. And yeah... I'd still suggest fixing the thread tags to not be so confusing. :)
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1
    As for the tags i did not add them what so ever.

    I have removed what i did not select.

    Last edited by Karln; 09-08-22 at 09:54.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Well, for the time being they'll stay put then. You can edit them if you want using the Add/Edit Tags button near the top of the page.

    But are you sure you want to tag this thread with do pay by direct debit and do pay campaign? I thought you were against doing that?
  • Karln's Avatar
    Level 1
    Well, for the time being they'll stay put then. You can edit them if you want using the Add/Edit Tags button near the top of the page.

    But are you sure you want to tag this thread with do pay by direct debit and do pay campaign? I thought you were against doing that?

    I have removed the tags. But like i said i did not select them in the first place. I would not have known if you had not said.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    "If the price hick planned for next January is as they say £4,200 per year that is just under my yearly income before paying anything out. so dont site there and try tell me things i know alot about."

    So you have a very low income. Perhaps you should be thinking about what you can do to increase that, get all the benefits you are entitled to, limit your use of energy to the absolute minimum, fix your energy tariff.

    The living wage is now £9.50 per hour for adults. Your income is about one quarter of that.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.