All was working fine until recently when the IHD would freeze after a few hours. Removing the battery was the only way to power cycle the unit.
Since then the IHD only detects and displays Electric readings.
It generates 'weak signal mover closer to meter' messages even though its within 2metres of the electric meter (located in the kitchen)
My online account also shows that there has not yet been a gas reading submitted.
My profile is set to provide daily readings, I have just changed it to half hourly.
The Gas meter is on the other side of the house cavity wall to the electric meter
So that's several issues???
The electric meter LED strip does not flash.
The LED (upper left side of display) flashes once every 10 seconds
The LED (lower left side of display) flashes once every 40 or so seconds
I emailed on the 14th July with photos etc. No reply so far.
What a carry on!
photos attached