Never had reminders for submitting export reading

  • Amir's Avatar
    Level 1

    I had solar panels installed in April 2021, then managed to get registered with Eon for SEG Payments on 02 July 2021. It is now a year and was wondering what method does the payment come through and did I need to submit any meter readings for this?
    It is a smart meter and I was told I don't need to and would only be contacted either every 12 months or every 6 months for the reading but I have not received any communication.
    I do receive monthly emails for a reading but was told to ignore these monthly emails as they are not needed if I have a smart meter (which I do.)

    Some clarification would be greatly appreciated.

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    Anasa_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Best Answer
    Hi Amir! Anasa here! 👋 How are you doing? We have a lot of questions around FiT and SEG at the moment we have a little Q and A post called Get FiT Savvy with Graeme hopefully you'll find what you're looking for there; if not you can contact our SEG tariff team on 0808 501 5218.

    I would say make sure you always take note of your meter readings and if you have a smart meter we'll be able to get those reads for you however for SEG you need to send us a picture of your export reading and you can email

    I can see that it's coming up to a year for you so you should be getting an annual payment shortly and at the moment cheque is the only way we can make payments so I'd say look out for a cheque, if you've not heard anything by the 1st week of August give us a call so we can chase this up for you 🙂

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