EON want to replace both smart meters

  • StePhoto's Avatar
    Level 1
    Currently I have electric and gas smart meters. The electric meter was installed by symbio August 2021 & gas meter installed by EDF January 2022.

    EON are taking readings from both meters but the IHD (geo trio) has only ever displayed electricity data.
    I was told to wait several weeks for the gas info to show but in the end I had to make a formal complaint to try and get the problem resolved.

    I've been told the 'gas proxy' hasn't been commissioned and the gas meter is 4 firmware versions out of date and that could be the reason why the display doesn't show the gas info. Also the DCC have no historical gas data.

    Today an EON engineer came to take a look. After speaking to his team they said the only option was to replace both meters which seems a bit drastic but apparently that's the only way.

    The engineer also said the IHD units were the SmartView displays. I thought these were being replaced and I really don't want more trouble than I've already experienced. Is there anyway to connect the Geo Trio?

    Anyone else had a similar issue? What do the experts think? Talking to you @theunknowntech πŸ˜€
  • 22 Replies

  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 79
    Sheesh! FOUR VERSIONS OUT?!?!?! Yeah, that'll explain a lot. Firmware updates have to be installed consecutively for the most part, but are sometimes cumulative. Until the gas meter catches up with the latest firmware, it probably won't want to talk to anything else in order to protect itself. And yes... If the Gas Proxy hasn't been commissioned then... Well there's your problem! XD

    No gas proxy = no gas comms.

    I think there's a way to salvage the current meters as it's wasteful to just rip them out. I've got a call with Pete in a bit, so I'll discuss this sort of thing then.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! πŸ€– Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider πŸ•· πŸ€– Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 79
    Oh and yes. It should be possible to pair that Geo IHD either way. :)
  • StePhoto's Avatar
    Level 1
    @theunknowntech Thank for your reply!

    Yes it is wasteful to rip out new meters. I was hoping someone at EON would know how to commission the proxy and update the firmware.

    The engineer said the gas wasn't registered on their system which seems odd as they're taking readings etc. He also said the meters are different to what they install which is why they're not communicating 100%.

    If they can't resolve it I will have to arrange for them to install their own meters. Good to know the Geo can be paired, it's a good IHD and has wi-fi so can be accessed anywhere via the geo app.

    Please let me know what Pete says. Appreciate your help πŸ‘
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 79
    No worries. Turned out @PeterT_EONNext couldn't make the call either, so I've asked him to stop by here.
  • PeterT_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hi @StePhoto

    I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you're having with your gas meter.

    I can see that the Smart Team have been in you're account and they've sent a few updates, two of which are still pending over the last couple of weeks, at the moment, we'll need to wait until these all go through before we can look at other options (around 2 weeks time)

    It may be a case of having to replace both meters though if we have too much trouble getting this to work for you from this side.

    Pete 😊
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  • PeterT_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @theunknowntech Sorry for missing our call today! I hoped you could see my note on the invite? It's been a bit of a hectic day so wasn't able to make it I'm afraid, I think a few others aren't around either today so we'll definitely need to reschedule very soon! πŸ˜„
  • StePhoto's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi @StePhoto

    I'm sorry to hear about the trouble you're having with your gas meter.

    I can see that the Smart Team have been in you're account and they've sent a few updates, two of which are still pending over the last couple of weeks, at the moment, we'll need to wait until these all go through before we can look at other options (around 2 weeks time)

    It may be a case of having to replace both meters though if we have too much trouble getting this to work for you from this side.

    Pete 😊

    Hi @PeterT_EONNext

    Nothing has changed this side. The firmware hasn't updated and still no gas data going to the DCC.

    Is it possible to have the meters replaced? What would be the best way to arrange this?

    Thank you
  • PeterT_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hi @StePhoto

    I'm sorry to hear this still hasn't been resolved for you.

    I've added a note to your account stating that we'll need to book in a faulty meter appointment for both of your meters to be replaced so that this issue can be resolved. If you can please get in touch with customer services, someone can then get this booked in for you.

    Pete 😊
  • StePhoto's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi @PeterT_EONNext

    An engineer visited 8th August to fit the new smart meters. However he talked me out of it because from his own experience it would most likely cause more issues. He also said EON would be installing newer meters soon which would be very similar to the ones I currently have.

    He said there are other fixes to try. He made a call to request a comms hub reboot which would also reset the gas proxy. He also asked for some other fixes and we left it at that.

    The following day the IHD had changed to a split screen for the first time, it now has a placeholder for gas. The gas part doesn't show any data, only "Awaiting data. Please see system status". System status shows "Gas meter service issue, connected to the network, but not receiving all gas meter data. Please wait for service to be restored."

    At random times the electricity section will drop and display the same information as above, a reboot fixes it until the next time, this never happened before.

    The BRIGHT app now shows gas data, so for the first time the data is going to the DCC. The app also shows that the 'gas proxy' is now commissioned, previously it was 'installed not commissioned'.

    It looks like some progress has been made as the proxy now works and data is going to the DCC and the IHD now sees that there is a gas meter.
    So I was wondering if any command fixes that have been tried before could be attempted again now that the proxy is working. Also the gas meter firmware is still about 4 versions out of date but maybe this could be updated now?

    Hope you can help, thank you 😁