Best Answer
Best AnswerIf you've requested a refund, you should get your money back in the bank within 10 working days of approval.Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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Well I pay cash . And they did not trust my meter reading and sent me round agents giving all sorts of excuses.. then authorised it.
but still haven't received my cheque -
payments direct into bank are quicker than cheques.
Try to be a bit patient.
I have some sympathy as energy companies are quick to take money from us and very much slower at making the refunds. In this technological age there is no earthly reason why a cheque should take more than 2 days to issue and then up to 2 days to arrive. Certainly less than a week.Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless. -
You have been very kind and helpful, but please let me assure you that I have been extremely patient and whilst I was being patient I was being investigated because a reading I provided was to eon a low reading, but I left the comment alone just thinking the customer service assistant was saying, but they had suspected I don't know what, I had a low reading because boiler was not working correctly for 5-6 months and I had no hot water and so less gas used .. it was hard not having hot water but I saved money.
I have had a refund before.. done dusted within 14 days
They are making me feel like a criminal and I deserve a explanation why they investigated trying to keep me unaware that they considered the reading suspect, all this created time-wasting false information and assurance that my request is being processed and had not been requested because they were sending a person to check my meter before they could instigate refund..
Does anyone have a view on my situation and what they would be like if they was me. -
All I can say @Zod79 is that hasn't been my experience of energy companies, and I barely use any gas during the summer months. I have submitted my own meter readings for years and I've never had them queried.
I can only suggest that due to the current climate of rapidly increasing energy costs, and costs in general, that they are being more cautious and would want to check your meter reading as it is significantly different to what you would have normally used.
Like you, I can find it somewhat insulting when my word isn't good enough because I believe I'm honest and 'my word is my bond' etc.
Sometimes you just have to look at it from their point of view, there will be people genuinely struggling to pay, others try to cheat the system etc, so I would just let them send someone to read your meter and then you can just sit back and relax, safe in the knowledge that you were right, and now they'll know that too. -
what planet are you on mate?
See it from there point of view when they could not be upfront and say they will investigate.. they kept lying to me saying refund is being processed, all the time investigation,. Its been 3 month now
That's the first time you've mentioned a timeframe @Zod79, 3 months is clearly not acceptable to sort out what would appear to be a simple request.
This is only a customer to customer forum so you'll need to continue to pursue it with Customer Services.
I often make notes when dealing with companies, when I spoke to them, what I asked for etc, and if they fail to do what they said they would do it makes it a lot easier when raising a complaint. -
Hey @Zod79, I totally understand your frustration.
There can be different reasons why a cheque is not been received at your end. Through the process, us Energy specialists make sure that everything in the account is updated, then afterwards the request goes to the finance team who will release, unfortunately this can be delayed if there's backlog.
The normal process should usually take two weeks. Have you tried to be back in touch, perhaps with our team on social media?
Let us know how you get along,