Why won't eon next change people to a credit meter

  • Goibb's Avatar
    Level 4
    Did you get anywhere with this? We have had our complaint closed as a business decision and told they won't be doing anything else and have stopped responding to our complaints emails. We want a deadlock letter rather than waiting 8 weeks but clearly not going to happen as they aren't responding to our emails. I'm not wanting to let this drop, we moved into the house and are now unfairly paying a higher rate and from reading the thread haven't done anything about it for nearly nearly a year. Money hungry company at its finest.

    Unfortunately I don't have any progress to report so far. I got an initial response asking for more evidence of all the times I spoke to Eon and all email chains and that if I didn't submit this evidence within 10 days my complaint would be closed. I submitted this evidence before the deadline and my complaint was still closed.

    I queried this and was told it shouldn't have been closed and they would open a new one but that they needed to allow another 10 days for additional evidence, and i am currently waiting for this period to finish.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 79
    @ChrisEdd Feel free to prepare the case for the ombudsman now, because you can still do that while waiting for either a deadlock letter, or the eight weeks to expire.

    My advice would be to gather together as much correspondence as possible and start thinking about how you'll write it all.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • ldorelli's Avatar
    Level 1
    Any updates here?

    It's really inconvenient for us to be on a prepaid meter and it makes no sense - we are already on credit for electricity for two years...yet Eon won't even consider changing it, they keep pushing back and telling me "they've registered interest"... meanwhile we are all stuck with a bad rate and paying a lot on gas.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    Is your electric meter a conventional meter or a smart meter?

    If conventional, then changing your gas meter would necessitate also changing your electric meter as that also contains the necessary communications gubbins.

    Both new meters would need to be smart meters, and they would need to change the electric one first, check that it's all good and can communicate, and then upgrade the gas at a later date. If you already have a smart electric meter which not only works properly but is SMETS2, then swapping the gas meter would not be a big job.

    If however you can't go smart (like me, no mobile network here) they can't easily swap a prepay for a credit meter as pretty much all stocks of conventional meters are either used up or out of their certification window.

    They could fit a smart meter, and have it work as a dumb meter (as is the case with a lot of so called smart gas meters) but harder to persuade them to do so.

    Last edited by retrotecchie; 19-11-22 at 22:46.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • ldorelli's Avatar
    Level 1
    @retrotecchie thanks for your reply :)

    My electricity meter is a conventional one. Are you suggesting EON Next can make the move, but they need to move that one to smart first? I've contacted them multiple times about changing my gas meter to credit and not a single time this was suggested - maybe support is a bit clueless? I've emailed them one more time, hopefully I'll get some more insights into what is going on.

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    I'd put in for an upgrade to smart meters. That way they'll upgrade both for you. If they insist on keeping the gas on prepay for any reason, then you can at least top up on line or in the app without having to schlepp off down to a Post Office or pay point. In event of going credit down the line, they can just reconfigure the meter remotely rather than having to come out and change it again, but my bet is they'll just go credit all round.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    i’d switch to another more enlightened supplier - E.On Next are particularly shortsighted on this issue. I think their refusal to allow prepay to credit switches is illegal but it is their stated policy.
    complain to your MP.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Bennie_R97's Avatar
    Hey everyone, I just want to comment on this matter, I am aware that this is a hot topic and trust me when we say that we have feedback on this back to the business. At the moment we are registering people who are interested to switch through our customer service , so I do believe it is a step forward if you would like a standard credit meter.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    Is there a link through which customers can apply, and will they have to meet eligibility conditions? otherwise your information is a bit of a teaser rather than definitive. Sorry to put it that way but the company’s attitude on this in the past gas’t been encouraging.
  • Bennie_R97's Avatar
    @meldrewreborn no, I totally understand it. At the moment it is only accessible through the customer service. The registration is through our systems so I know that at the moment we have a long waiting time, but at the moment this is the only way we can register interest.