why does my 1st bill say smart meter reading

  • neuville49's Avatar
    Level 1
    our 1st bill for 5 weeks dropped through the door today. It states a smart reading was given,but we dont have a smart meter.The numbers i gave are on my account( i took pics)a difference of 4000kwh(omg).
  • 2 Replies

  • Best Answer

    Anasa_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Best Answer
    Hi @neuville49 Anasa here one of The Community Co - Ordinators, Welcome to the Community! @Andy65 is right it could possibly be a crossed meter but it's also possible that the meter you have is an inactive SMETS1 meter which is the original Smart meter and it sounds like the meter reads on there are incorrect especially if it is an old SMETS1 meter as it won't be connected to give us the right reads. Don't worry we can get this sorted for you, firstly we'll need your meter details so we can make sure we have the correct meter details for you and then we'll need some up to date reads taken by you from your the actual meter and any other meter reads you may have taken recently, your best bet would be to contact us via Social Media, Twitter, Facebook or WhatsApp and one of our lovely agents will get everything up and running as it should be for you.
    Last edited by Anasa_EONNext; 09-06-22 at 10:49.
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  • Andy65's Avatar
    Level 46
    Hi @neuville49I'd suggest contacting Customer Services as it sounds like your account has been crossed with another. If you can't get through on the phone try social media as emails seem to be taking an eternity.