Smart meter not communicating following migration

  • user1952's Avatar
    Level 1
    I was wondering if there has been any progress?
  • user1952's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hey @user1952

    I've had a look at your account and the few tricks I know haven't worked, but fear not we have a whole team of smart experts who have plenty more tricks up their sleeve! The good news is when you spoke to Ian from our digi team last month he sent all the details over to the smart team so you're already in their queue.

    We have got a lot of customers experiencing issues with their smart meters at the moment, so there is about an 8 week wait on the team working their magic but they will get to you. I'll pop a reminder to check on your account in a few more weeks to make sure you get an update.


    I notice that the 8 weeks are now up, any chance of a result at all?
  • user1952's Avatar
    Level 1
    nothing has changed here, what else can I do to enable E.ON to be able to read my "Smart" meter please?
    It would appear that the advice given that E.ON will be able to read my meter is not quite correct, since it is now
    266 days since I was transferred to E.ON from Symbio (RIP).
    Last edited by user1952; 05-08-22 at 17:22.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Looks like @HannahD_EONNext previously tried to fix this. I'll let her know you're still having problems. Bear with me!
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • Kirssand01's Avatar
    I have exactly the same problem, I was with NPower and the smart meter worked fine for a few weeks.

    Then on 21st February 2021 it stopped working, as did my gas meter.

    No matter how many times I contact them nothing happens.

    We are going into the winter of higher energy prices and are being encouraged to save energy.

    How can we when I cannot monitor my usage?

    Playing the age card, I am 74 and may struggle with the higher energy costs.
  • user1952's Avatar
    Level 1
    here we are at the anniversary of being transferred to E.on from Symbio.

    Despite many requests, both here on the forums and to the "customer support" staff, E.on can still not read my smart meter.
    Apparently, the support staff operate on some kind of menu, that involves thanking me heartily for my enquiry and then doing nothing at all.

    My credit balance, as determined by the E.on system, is fast approaching £1000.
    I have let it go this far, so as to offset the impending massive enrichment of all energy supply companies, as I do not want to contribute to the
    loss of any kind of wealth by the already ludicrously rich.
    Even so, it does seem to be rather large.

    One might think that a company with millions of customers would be able to at least address and ideally solve, the simple problem of being able
    to read a "smart" remote meter and at the same time, let the customer's IHD work as it used to under the previous supplier.

    Apparently, this is beyond the capabilities of such an august enterprise.

    This is what E.on say:

    Sometimes we have trouble getting your meter readings due to temporary issues, such as signal problems or IT issues.
    In my world, temporary does not mean for a year

    However if it's continuing then it could be because you have an older style smart meter or due to signal issues in your area.
    If it's because of an older smart meter then we'll be in touch to get it replaced when we're in your area.

    I have a brand new smart meter, fitted in 2021

    When your supply moves over to E.ON Next we can temporarily lose connectivity with your smart meter.
    This connection is re-established within a few weeks of your switch but sometimes this could mean you get an estimated bill from us.

    We are now in week 52 since the switch

    How disappointing, but anecdotal evidence seem to point to there being similar problems with most of the major suppliers, so perhaps we
    are seeing a return to the days of the Electricity Board, when customer service was non-existent.
    E.on appear to be leading the way.
    Last edited by user1952; 11-11-22 at 06:46.
  • JoeSoap's Avatar
    Level 91

    Sorry, I can't help with your smart meter problem but there's an answer here to someone else's question that suggests getting a credit refund of up to £500 is relatively straightforward. The problem is that a refund may result in your DD being increased to compensate so if you do some sums based on your expected usage you could add this to your refund request to suggest to Eon Next what you think your DD should be after the refund is issued.
    I'm an Eon Next dual fuel customer with no particular expertise but have some time on my hands that I am using to try and help out a bit.
  • user1952's Avatar
    Level 1
    many thanks for your reply and your link.
    As the cost of my electricity has risen in a year from 21 p per unit to 33.3 p per unit and less explicable,
    the standing charge has risen from 24 p per day to 49.55 p per day, I am reasonably happy to leave the
    credit balance as it is.
    I do wonder how they justify the increase, when allegedly, so much of it is renewable but as I mentioned,
    who am I to stand in the way of generous dividends for the investors?
    In any case, it seems that the E.on estimate of my annual consumption may, fortunately, be wildly high,
    but as I sent the evidence for this to Simbio, who must have passed it on, I cannot really complain.

    I am more concerned about the apparent inability of a giant to perform what was a simple task for a minnow,
    (Symbio) and get my "smart" meter working.
    Last edited by user1952; 11-11-22 at 12:57.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    less explicable, the standing charge has risen from 24 p per day to 49.55 p per day, I am reasonably happy to leave the
    credit balance as it is.
    I do wonder how they justify the increase, when allegedly, so much of it is renewable but as I mentioned,
    who am I to stand in the way of generous dividends for the investors?

    The increase in daily standing charges, as set by OFGEM, is partly to pay towards the costs incurred by the energy industry as a whole caused by the collapse of lots of smaller energy firms, and to cover the costs of the Warm Homes Discount, the scope of which has increased significantly for this year.

    Renewable generation costs the same per unit as the most expensive generation (gas) because that's how the energy market works. Eon buy in their energy on the open market, and where there is not enough, they buy regular energy but trade it through carbon credits and renewable obligations.

    This is not right...actual generation should be paid for at an appropriate cost, but there is no incentive for generators to sell wind or solar power at 14p a unit when gas power stations get double that. Sure, we should be paying the 'average price' rather than the cost of the maximum unit price, and this is something the government say they will look into, but up until now, that is how the industry works. It's only the recent hikes in gas and oil prices that have caused the per unit differential to go way out of whack, and something that needs urgent attention. 18 months ago, gas was under 100p a therm. This year it has peaked at over eight times that. One day, maybe, the issue will be addressed, renewables will expand and everyone's prices will go down accordingly.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • user1952's Avatar
    Level 1
    Many thanks.
    As another person whose village has no gas supply, I am very pleased to be allowed the opportunity to subsidise those who do,
    especially so, now that I know that no gas is burnt to generate my electricity either.

    It is reminiscent of the student tuition fees, whch always appear to require the maximum amount and seems to be how my
    daughter's fees for her degree in nursing worked out at £800 per hour for the tiny amount of tuition she received, in between
    the thousands of unpaid hours that she was required to work before she could qualify.

    It looks like the unversity empire's main purpose is also to make its owners very rich, not to mention the management, who
    for some reason are now worth hundreds of thousands for doing the same job that they used to do for tens of thousands.

    All of this at the expense of those who in very many cases can least afford it.