No option for single rate tariffs

  • MyDistortedSmile's Avatar
    Level 1
    @theunknowntech Not that much of a smart meter, it's managed one smart reading in the last year. the O2 signal is rubbish around here.
    And the instructions for supplying dual rate reading on this this is ridiculous, they're 3 levels deep in the menu system.

    Totally off topic but does anyone know if these meters use the mesh capabilities in the UK ?
    Last edited by MyDistortedSmile; 25-05-22 at 12:06. Reason: typos
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    It is possible to get them to use mesh, but you'd need to have the Comms Hub switched out for an SKU2 unit. The other option is to use an SKU2 hub with either a T1, T2 or T3 aerial which should have been done in the first place.

    I'll ask @PeterT_EONNext to try and use a few tricks to reconnect. Otherwise a comms hub upgrade is your best bet.
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  • Boncobill's Avatar
    Level 8

    There is plenty of capacity to increase imported gas supplies, indeed we're acting as an input route into the European gas network at the moment. But those supplies come at a price. We've not had energy rationing this winter, so supply was not an issue, but the prices were high.

    We could have more domestically produced gas from the sea bed or from fracking shale. But the environmentalists say that gas is still a fossil fuel and we should not commence exploration for new production. The wind, sun, tides, hydro and nuclear are the greener ways forward.

    I agree move to renewable with massive public/private investment. Maybe legislation. Primarily for more wind farms on and off shore.

    Reduce planning permission red tape. Invest in nuclear and maybe tidal.

    In the medium term increase imports of gas from USA and the Middle East if they ate willing to up production and build more LNG storage here.

    Fracking potentially sounds like a reasonable idea for medium term self sufficiency.
    Last edited by Boncobill; 30-05-22 at 18:43.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    You don't need a new meter to convert to a single rate tariff. They just add the two readings together or the charge both day and night at the same rate. Customer services should be able to sort that easily enough. Post back here with your experience.
  • PeterT_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Hi @MyDistortedSmile

    I've managed to take some readings from your electricity meter from yesterday, we'll now take these every month on the 24th to use in your bill.

    I've had some trouble connecting to the gas meter - I've referred your account to our Smart Team who will work to get this connected up again. In the meantime, please provide manual gas readings.

    In relation to your tariff, I've changed this for you (as of 23rd May as I can see this is when you sent an email to ask to be changed to a single rate tariff) You'll have now received an email detailing the new single rate version of your tariff.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

    Pete 😊
    Cool 😎 Calm 😌 Collected 🙌 - Here to help, or just for a chat if you like!

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  • MyDistortedSmile's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi @meldrewreborn, there seems to be some confusion, I was never questioning if my meter was technically capable (well other than E-on Next seeming unable to get a smart reading from it, it seems they now have managed to get the electric reading working, but not gas going by @PeterT_EONNext's message).

    I was simply not offered any single rate tariff as an option to choose when changing my tariff.
    As you can see from the Peter's message this has also now been sorted.

    This seemed really dubious to me as that a time where there are still large numbers of people working from home, where cheap rate electricity at night is currently less relevant and indeed the more expensive choice (Heating running all day, kettle being boiled more often, more devices switched on during hours there people would have been at work / commuting etc all at ~ 30% more expensive than the single rate) and for the first time that I've had to change my tariff under E-on Next they don't offer what for me has always been the cheaper option, even when I was working in the office, of a single rate tariff.