So they say. But most of the people answering things on here are fellow customers, and we are victims of the very high (by historical standards) prices we have both now and into the future.
I think its true to say that we have been lulled into a false sense of security because prices, prior to last year, had remained fairly level for a very long time. This is
despite the so called green levies loaded onto electricity prices and the warm home discounts, which many people do not realise, are subsidised by other customers paying more.
So it comes as a shock that prices are increasing to very uncomfortable levels now. But these problems are not confined to the UK they apply to almost the whole world, and its the world price of gas that is the cause of these problems. And because, following a push to reduce the environmental impact of electricity generation, half of our electricity is now produced from GAs, rather than coal. So the gas increase drives electricity prices higher too.
So grumble away, but there's nothing I can do about it.