My smart meters worked fine for a number of years but back in January of this year the IHD lost connection. Looking at the Trilliant hub the power light is constant green, HAN light flashes red and there's nothing on the WAN.
I contacted customer services - explained the situation, sent photos and was told the problem would be forwarded to the relevant department to be resolved.
Heard nothing since and Eon Next say they aren't receiving meter readings so this week contacted customer services (again with full explanation and photos) and again they suggested powering down and restarting the IHD (does this actually reset the Trilliant hub?) and of course I emailed back to say it'd already been done.. That was yesterday at 10.48 and so far there's been no further response.
Gas meter is L&G G370
Elec meter is L&G E470
I was wondering is there anything else from my end I could or should be doing to try and resolve
Thanks in advance