Had a smart meter Smartview2 installed on the 17th March, worked fine for a few weeks before the gas has now stopped registering. Any ideas of a fix because all customer service will tell me is to restart it which doesn't work. Gas readings are not been sent to them
I'm theunknowntech, one of the forum volunteers here.
I can try to diagnose this for you, but I could do with photos of everything please? If you could show me photos of the electric meter, gas meter, Comms Hub above the electric meter and your In-Home Display, that would be great.
Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
Hmm... It seems to me as if you have (yet another) broken SmartView 2. You wouldn't be the first person to have trouble with that thing.
However it's also possible that there's a problem with your gas meter. Since you're in the Northern Territory, I'm afraid there's not much I can do in terms of diagnosing that, so let me grab a @Beki_EONNext to tag team with. While you wait, could you tell me what results you get from https://smartmetercheck.citizensadvice.org.uk/ for both meters please?
If you fancy an alternative IHD anyway, feel free to check out both the ivie Bud and Hildebrand Glow.
@Scott1987 We need to give the meters at least 8 weeks after supply start date or installation to be enrolled fully in the DCC and start sending us information. This includes being able to use the IHD. I think we are just a few days off that mark as install date was the 17th March, so it'll be around 12th May. It has been known to all of a sudden work on the last day. If it doesn't you'll need to pop customer service a message and let them know to send your meter info off to the smart team to investigate.
While your explanation is undoubtedly correct, the 8 week delay seems ridiculous when we can switch our mobile phone number from one supplier to another within days. While the meters themselves have their problems the communication system and the processes within the DCC (admittedly out of the control of Eon Next) contribute to the customers sense of frustration. And the DCC isn't customer facing at all so is insulated from the criticisms.
And if it doesn't work after 8 weeks, then the customer has the hassle of chasing it up with Eon Next and then another indeterminate period till the issues are fixed. Does it fill anyone with confidence?
Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and think the smart meter programme is a waste of our money. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
@meldrewreborn I understand that, but there has to be a time scale for these things. Be it a switch within 28 days, a smart meter enrolling to the DCC following a switch for up to 8 weeks or even getting a reply from them which is up to 2 weeks. We have to allow that time to pass before I can instigate anything from my end. I believe these time frames are monitored by OFGEM too and are standard across the industry. I do think the system is a bit...well...clunky, but it's a process and it works and if it's not broken....
If the smart meter doesn't connect after 8 weeks post install then yes, @Scott1987 will need to get in touch so we can investigate 🕵
I fully understand that that is what it takes, but is it acceptable in this day and age with a so called smart meter system? clunky is an interesting word to use, I say pathetically slow. I know that all suppliers are dependent upon the DCC and they are not subject to supplier control, but when such great claims are made for smart metering , the reality falls far short in my view.
If its not broken don't fix it. Well 8 weeks to get a new meter functioning is broken in my eyes.
Is it the case that customers are not fully informed of the likely timescales when your meters are installed in their properties?
Last edited by meldrewreborn; 10-05-22 at 14:34.
Reason: spelling
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