It's Earth Day!

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  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    I'm following Chris Packham on the cruelty with chickens at supermarkets at the minute love how passionate he is to change how they are treated it's unfair to take somthing for granted just because we believe we have a right to consume doesn't mean we have to abuse it i wonder if anyone really has looked into dr masaru he did study's on water memory and the impact it has on our emotions the way it reacts to certain environmental factors this is also true with traumatized animals meat carries those factors too we are vibrational beings , so hence we absorb all those traumas too , it's also true from our environment the reason is has to change is because for too long things have been taken for granted not enough mindfulness of living things and the environment has a whole we make it sick we become sick it's all connected , makes Sence to see that it's time to use our knowledge to change now not just to further mankind everything that is here has a purpose without it life wouldn't be the same untill we work in tandem with that life will be forever filled with struggle you can hide behind big homes fancy cars wealth but you can't hide away from nature and the effects it's having on life itself , so I'm with Chris on the plastic fight too πŸ‘
  • Han_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @Tracey You have raised some good points there! I have heard of those vibrations theories before but I will certainly look into them and let you know what I think!!

    Its more than important to ensure that your lifestyle reflects who you are and what you believe in, and its nice to see someone doing just that πŸ’ͺ
    Do you consume meat? I am thinking of going completely meatless - any tips?
    🌍 Striving for a bigger, better and sustainable world!

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  • DebF_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Chris Packham is a legend in my book he raises so much awareness to the issues at hand! @Tracey our very own @Beki_EONNext has given a loving home to many rescue chickens herself, they are living their best life & are very spoiled after the horrible start they had πŸ˜”

    I myself am not vegetarian/vegan (although I probably eat meat less than once a week) I do however try to bring that side into other elements of my life. I like to use vegan, cruelty free, organic & raw / natural products as much as possible.

    The plastic fight is going to be a tough one as plastic seems to be everywhere, it's unnecessary, why do apples in a supermarket need to be wrapped in plastic 😏 it doesn't prolong the lifespan! We stopped buying our fruit & veg from the supermarket for this very reason, we now grow our own and top up with a local fruit & veg delivery box, all the produce comes from the farms within a 35 mile radius which is AMAZING!! I do my bit but often feel like it's not enough there is always more that I could be doing.

    I wonder if there is anyone in the community that does something unique to recycle the plastic in some way, perhaps something arty or has repurposed it somehow? I remember watching an episode of extreme cheapskates once & the guy on there made gifts from the plastic he collected, he created things like handbags & wallets from old milk cartons! If anyone does something different please pop me a picture, I would live some inspiration on alternative ways to use it & would really love to hear any tips anyone has on how to reduce the plastic!
    Last edited by DebF_EONNext; 02-05-22 at 07:51.
    "Green is the prime colour of the world and that from which it's loveliness arises"-Pedro Calderon De La Barca 🌳

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  • Anasa_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Manager
    @Beki_EONNext Just signed up! β™»
    'The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members’

    Did you know that we're open 24/7? There are lots of ways to contact us over here!πŸ“£

  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    @Han_EONNext I'm not meat free i do however make sure I'm mindfull of wat i comsume i try not to eat has much has possible and i try to source has best i can with all my food i do however have spates were i do go vegetarian has i did last year for 7 months , I'm not sure if we are meat eaters or not so i try to balance rather than use meat has my sole food and most importantly i think the welfare is priority for wat i do use , cruelty free on products i do use and i minimise my use of cleaners too i use methods all purpose cleaner for everything so just one cleaning product cuts down on use in the environment too , i never use any chemicals in the home even for my dogs i make there weekly treats also containing coconut oils it's a lot harder for some people to go this way but it's much kinder all-round , just those little steps no palm oil no bleach no use of pesticides let the grass grow ants deterred by cinnamon and lemon i even double my washing up liquid but diluting it 3 times from one bottle it's just those things that help even if we do consume meat we still are helping in other ways also , i recycle wat i can i give wat i don't use for others , and. Sure there's many doing greater works than me but i just like to change has much has i possibly can I'm not perfect i don't believe in that word we have been westernised and spoilt with life so althou there's still room for much change i know I'm on the right track at least being aware of my environment and my footprint 😁
  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    @DebF_EONNext wow good on beki I've taken a few animals in we raised some pigeons that had fell out there nest it was the most rewarding thing I've done we fed them each day learnt them to eat on there own and then fly they still come back now they have family's of there own too , we have rescued many hedgehogs also and a few dogs , animals are my passion i watched a programme on polar bears last week the mothers journey it was amazing to see how perfect she did her job she could teach many a lesson that is nature it's so in tune with how life works don't you think πŸ™‚ I've seen alot of plastic recycling I've purchased a bag and some clothes that have been made from plastics there's still long way to go but every little change is a move in the right direction i agree on the supermarket plastic thou they promote no carrier bags yet cover many things in worse plastics 🀷 but again they want us to believe there doing great works to make us feel more comfortable buying from them local small businesses i find are doing greater works using no bags , you yourself seem to be doing great at sourcing in that way hands up to you for that has i say even one change is better than non πŸ™
  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    @Han_EONNext I'd also like to point out whilst I'm mindfull of the changes that need to be addressed within myself and my living environment I'm still human I've still been subject to some conditioning from the way we have been taught to live i hope everyone can make some small changes but I'd like to point out too whilst people might feel inferior against someone who is vegan even plants live and feel watch a daisy on your lawn at night she closes her petals Wen the sun peeps out she opens again she gives life to many so the eco system works and it can for us but like her do it right however that is for oneself if we reach inside we know the answers we know how much to take and how much to give back ,and I'm sure even vegans they still have room for change too noone is fully perfect and even the tiny things we change is a key to putting us on the right path everyone's reality is different to others some lives are bound by restrictions and needs but the universe knows this that's why we have helping hands showing us the right ways if we are open to receiving πŸ₯°
  • Han_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @Tracey I very much agree!!
    Its very important to understand what you are doing and why! Its very nice to see that people are taking sustainability seriously - I also use the method stuff, although you are better than me! & I use a fair few of them to clean my house!
  • Tracy's Avatar
    Level 15
    @Han_EONNext I'm no better just different and hay that's fine a rainbow has many colours wouldn't be so beautiful if it was all the same πŸ€—
  • Beki's Avatar
    I might tweet Chris Packham and tell him the E.ON Next Community are getting involved because we rock! 🀘