With nearly 60% of UK households owning a tumble dryer, I wondered what the impact is on the climate is, but also the impact on household bills and I would love to hear from you if you have one. Do you class your tumble dryer as an essential or a luxury item? Have you reduced any luxuries a home?
I do not own a tumble dryer but a lot of my friends and family do and they rely on them heavily. I have had one in the past but barely used it at all, preferring clothes to be air dried outside on the line. I must admit I did feel very smug when I looked into the carbon impact of using a tumble dryer. Over the course of one year, it can emit more carbon that a tree can absorb in its first 50 years!
The average drying cycle uses over 4kWh of energy and produces around 1.8kg of CO2...If all households with a tumble dryer, dried one load of washing outside each week, they could save over a million tonnes of CO2 a year and 1460 kWh of energy. 😱