Smart meter not topping up since forced move to e-on next

  • Annabella's Avatar
    Level 1
    Yeah so i prefer the old website for e-on as that at least gave us codes to use on meter after a top up if it was having issues, as well as you know giving us DETAILS that the e-on next site just does not give at all. I was forced to move over on the 15/April/2022 (Right before bank hol chaos)
    I topped up my smart meter yesterday 18/April/2022 at 19:46h and here i am on the 19/April/2022 and STILL no credit showing up on my smart meter. to say I'm not happy would be an understament. the stress levels this is triggering in my partners mental health is though the roof. He is now having panic attacks because he's stressing we're going to loose power any moment because money is getting eaten so quickly. (yeah gone up from £45 a for 14-ish days to £40 for just five days) and now to top off on that stress our smart meters no longer top up! >:( if you are gonna force us to move the least you could have done is update the smart meters or install new ones! Because this is effectively a "change in supplier" in the "mind" of the smart meter microchips.

    Something you power companies need to be aware of Those of us on low incomes can not afford this random price hike you've all thrown onto us!

    Also get more people onto your phone lines. 40+ mins listening to that awful elevator music is enough to drive you mad, and don't get me phone the folks that do get to you are awesome and friendly and helpful, but that wait time and music are crazy.
    Last edited by Annabella; 19-04-22 at 09:52. Reason: updates
  • 1 Reply

  • Anasa_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Manager
    Hi @Annabella - I'm sorry to hear that you've not had a great start with topping up since you came over to us 😞, once the issues have been fixed you will receive UTRN codes just as you had previously.

    I can see that you posted this on another thread as well and there is an update on there if you've not seen it already. 😊
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