since migrating in February I have had nothing but problems.
Your world pay platform is broken. Money is in my bank account and i use it all the time for online purchases. Whenever i try to add gas or electricity to my emter your "" site just says "something went wrong". I managed to get it to work this morning once for electricity so left it as thank god its worked. How wrong I was, that the electricity was cut off and i checked my back and all i see is the payment as "Pending". I did several 1.00 transactions as that was exactly the same.
This left me and my family without electricity for 2 hours whilst I tried to all your support line. I never go through as I was on hold for over an hour and my mobile dies.
3 hours later I get an email to say payment has been sent to my meter.
I am now having the same issue with the gas payment. All i get is "something went wrong" message on the site. It;s quite simply broken an d nto fit for purpose!