Gas meter not sending smart readings and IHD on zero tariff for gas

  • Beki's Avatar
    @meldrewreborn I completely understand what you are saying and I do agree to some extent, however we cannot guarantee that a moderator is here all the time (we have a very small team and this members last post was 3 days ago) and therefore the quickest way to get in touch is through multiple different customer service channels in emergency situations. We have been very clear, in posts now located in the Getting Started section, since the beginning of the Community, that this is not the ideal place to get in touch for specific account queries.

    Over on our social media and emails for example, we have filters and buzz words, which mean that customers who are off supply get bumped up to the top of the queue as a priority, always. It's not so easy on the phones to do this though - perhaps this is feedback for them which I will pass along.

    I think that we have a fabulous team of volunteers here, and that if a member posted and needed help urgently, that they would point them in the right direction for the quickest way to get help and support. This is one of my most favourite things about our Community. Support, conversation and healthy discussions as well as seeing things from a different perspective.
    @mole, please let me know if you have been in touch as I can't see your account.
    Last edited by Beki; 25-04-22 at 18:38. Reason: Spelling
  • mole's Avatar
    Level 1

    I agree that the volunteers are very good but at the end of the day this is a EON next forum where customers are posting cries for help and they are not being answered by EON next. It is almost impossible to get any response from emails to the company and the phones are not staffed by enough people so you can never get through. (Not everyone wants to be on Facebook either)
    Thanks for the link it's showing that my electric meter is connected via the DCC but my Gas meter isn't but surely this should be viewable by EON next?

    After some delay I have manged to get an answer via email and apparently I'm now on a list to have my SMETS1 meter upgraded to a SMETS2 'sometime in the summer' seems like a sledgehammer to crack a nut, but if it fixes it so be it.
  • Beki's Avatar
    @mole Just to clarify, did they say that your gas meter would be unable to connect to the DCC? Or did they plainly say that it will be upgraded? @theunknowntech correct me if I am wrong, but all SMETS1 are being remotely patched and able to join the DCC.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Most should be migrated, but inevitably there will be some that either fail to migrate, or aren't eligible. Primarily the former...
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • mole's Avatar
    Level 1
    This was the message I received

    I've had a look at your account and i can see your smart meter has stopped giving us readings however you are on our enrollment for our newer version smart meter which you will be contacted directly about. This should be rolled out over the summer time however in the meantime if you are able to give us manual readings, this will enable you to keep on track of what you are using. This is likely the reason that your In Home Display has stopped giving the readings too. When the new smart meter is fitted, you will receive a brand new In Home Display which will be able to sync then both back up again.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92

    According to the annual report issued by the DCC there is an ongoing programme to upgrade SMETS1 meters to the DCC network which is ongoing but still has circa 18 months to run (possibly less by now! I'm still unclear about the process , its schedule, and how suppliers /customers are notified when meters have been remotely upgraded.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • Beki's Avatar
    @meldrewreborn This was my understanding too. I'm wondering the reasoning behind what the person over email has said, because we would not upgrade a smets1 to a smets2 unless the meter was broken. This sounds like a connection issue that needs to be addressed with the smart team, rather than a faulty meter.
  • mole's Avatar
    Level 1
    Seems to me that a 'smart' meter that is no longer 'smart' is actually broken and thus would qualify to be replaced if it can't be fixed remotely.....
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Generally, there's a maximum one year timeout before the meter has to be replaced. If remote reconnection proves impossible within that time, the meter will definitely be put up for replacement with a SMETS2 setup. You don't have to accept that offer of course, but it's usually worth doing as S2 meters are far superior to S1 meters.

    Of course, some suppliers might have shorter timeouts. :)
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    It seems to me that an engineer visit is required to assess the situation. There are so many things that need to work properly be fore data successfully flows between meter and supplier. Presumably Eon next can ask the DCC if data is reaching them. If it isn’t then the problem is likely to be at the property - so a visit would be required to fully test the meters, communications elements and the in home display.