I've got first generation meters - they are the Secure brand. They were already installed when I moved in a couple of years ago, and the IHD was missing. Since then, they've never sent readings to any energy supplier, but having looked at a couple of guides online, the HAN and WAN indicators seem to be fine.
I contacted Sainsbury's Energy customer services to see about getting them to work in smart mode, and was told that this was dependent on migration to the DCC network, that there were no timescales available, and I'd be told when my meter was upgraded.
I'd already done some googling about enrolment and adoption, so I may have been a tiny bit of a thorn in the agent's side at this point, though not rude I hope. I asked if they could advise what proportion of Sainsbury's Energy customers with Secure meters had already been adopted and were in smart mode again, so that I could draw my own conclusions about whether mine is likely to take weeks, months or years. I was told repeatedly that Sainsbury's Energy would not hold that information, that only DCC would know.
I don't think that's plausible - of course Eon/Sainsbury's Energy would hold that information. I also recognise they're under no obligation to tell me, but I thought no harm in asking.
With prices as they are, I would quite like to be able to monitor my usage, so I'm wondering if the mods here would have any info about adoption progress at Eon or Sainsbury's Energy. Maybe it's commercially sensitive or something like that but I don't see how!