How to contact E.ON Next

  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    What I suggest, is move from regular Fixed direct debit to pay bill by DD in full every month. That will then eat into any credit before they actually start taking any money from your bank. That way you only pay per month what you actually use. That said, just be prepared for a bit of a shock come April.
    Don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. I DON'T work for or on behalf of EON.Next, but am willing to try and help if I can. Not on mains gas, mobile network or mains drainage. House heated almost entirely by baby dragons.
  • wayne123's Avatar
    Level 5

    I've just worked out on average during winter we us 10 kilowatt per day max which equates to around 90 per month max. Eon have set up a direct debit for 434 per month and I cannot change it. This is causing incredible stress considering one of us in household is recovering from a stroke and still not heard anything from them and impossible to get through to discuss this.

    Just for the record below are copies of meter readings as for some strange reason it shows change of supply on the 28/5 77983 then it jumps back ,could this have anything to do with why the reading are so far out.

    Meter reading history

    Date Type Read
    21/11/22 Manual 92666
    01/10/22 Estimate 92313
    30/09/22 Manual 92277
    06/09/22 Manual 92184
    22/08/22 Estimate 92520
    11/05/22 Meter reader 91605
    01/04/22 Estimate 91299
    01/10/21 Estimate 89674
    28/05/21 Change of supply 77983
    05/05/21 Manual 88673
    01/04/21 Estimate 86696
    20/02/21 Estimate 84166
    20/02/21 Estimate 84166
    08/11/20 Estimate 83631
    19/09/20 Estimate 83422
    20/06/20 Estimate 83094
    21/03/20 Estimate 82739
    27/11/19 Estimate 82157
    21/09/19 Estimate 81859
    06/06/19 Estimate 81474
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    There is probably a simple explanation for this - if only we can get to it! Can we rule out that you do not have an economy 7 type meter - this will have 2 types of reading usually (but not always) labelled R1 and R2. One refers to night consumption and the other day consumption. The night rate is cheaper and typically used to charge night storage heaters. The presence of storage heaters will be a big clue that this is indeed the case. But it might not be. All the readings you have provided are consistent - except for the change of supply, which could be finger trouble - 88 instead of 77 would make more sense.

    Posting a photo here of your meter and fuse box or boxes will help.

    I'm thinking that E.On Next have your consumption going back over time at a much higher level than you have recorded or that historically the DD has been set too low and that there are arrears on the account. If there are arrears these will have been factored into the setting of the direct debit. If you want to pop me a PM with a photo of your bill/statement this would help a great deal, but i readily understand if you do not want to share that information.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • wayne123's Avatar
    Level 5
    Date/Type +in/-out

    21 NOV 2022
    -£3.43 £399.93
    In credit
    20 NOV 2022
    -£139.94 £403.36
    In credit
    01 NOV 2022
    HM Government Discount Energy Bills Support Scheme
    +£66.00 £543.30
    In credit
    24 OCT 2022
    Direct debit
    +£367.23 £477.30
    In credit
    06 OCT 2022
    HM Government Discount Energy Bills Support Scheme
    +£66.00 £110.07
    In credit
    29 SEP 2022
    -£36.44 £44.07
    In credit
    23 SEP 2022
    Direct debit
    +£434.23 £80.51
    In credit
    05 SEP 2022
    +£86.11 -£353.72
    In debit
    23 AUG 2022
    Direct debit
    +£434.23 -£439.83
    In debit
    21 AUG 2022
    -£298.88 -£874.06
    In debit
    25 JUL 2022
    Direct debit
    +£434.23 -£575.18
    In debit
    23 JUN 2022
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£1,009.41
    In debit
    23 MAY 2022
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£1,042.41
    In debit
    10 MAY 2022
    -£102.36 -£1,075.41
    In debit
    25 APR 2022
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£973.05
    In debit
    31 MAR 2022
    -£373.44 -£1,006.05
    In debit
    23 MAR 2022
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£632.61
    In debit
    23 FEB 2022
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£665.61
    In debit
    24 JAN 2022
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£698.61
    In debit
    23 DEC 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£731.61
    In debit
    23 NOV 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£764.61
    In debit
    25 OCT 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£797.61
    In debit
    30 SEP 2021
    -£220.55 -£830.61
    In debit
    23 SEP 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£610.06
    In debit
    23 AUG 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£643.06
    In debit
    23 JUL 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£676.06
    In debit
    23 JUN 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£709.06
    In debit
    24 MAY 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£742.06
    In debit
    04 MAY 2021
    -£373.73 -£775.06
    In debit
    23 APR 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 -£401.33
    In debit
    31 MAR 2021
    -£545.63 -£434.33
    In debit
    23 MAR 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 £111.30
    In credit
    23 FEB 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 £78.30
    In credit
    25 JAN 2021
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 £45.30
    In credit
    23 DEC 2020
    Direct debit
    +£33.00 £12.30
    In credit
    23 NOV 2020
    Direct debit
    +£27.00 -£20.70
    In debit
    07 NOV 2020
    Balance transfer
    -£47.70 -£47.70
  • wayne123's Avatar
    Level 5
    This may help a you can see its all ok until around march 2021 then it takes a nose dive
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    Ok so it looks like some larger bills in march , may and september 2021 and similarly in 2022 put the account into debit and the DD was adjusted to recover that.

    However the account is now in credit - but you can see that large bills arrive after the winter period when most of us use heaps more energy.

    Remember that prices went up substantially last winter 2022 and will be even higher (about double again) this winter.

    Your DD should be about one twelfth of the annual forecast bill (see your bill/statement) at todays prices, after adjustment for any debit /credit on the account. Setting the DD will not take account of the government discounts, of which you've had 2 instalments , 4 more to come. Prices though will rise another 20% in April we're told so you need to factor that into your thoughts as well.

    Sit down look at your forecast consumption and the prices, and work out the annual amount. Knock of your current credit and divide the total by 12. That is a reasonable direct debit, and no supplier could negate that.

    If you send regular readings monthly, you will get a better handle on what you are using. Your account may swing into the red this winter but recover to a positive balance next autumn - this is entirely normal with fixed direct debits - the winter months under recover, the summer months over recover.

    If you switch to variable DD on receipt of bill, your payments will be huge in the winter and lighter in the summer. Chose the method that suits you.

    Energy is now hideously expensive and the only thing we can do to moderate our costs is to cut our consumption.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92
    Always been with Eon and at the moment just get paper bills by post.

    My advice is register your account online and manage it that way, either with the app on a phone or by the online account. Submit monthly readings so they never end up estimating anything. Your DD of £33 was set way to low, allowing you to build up a huge debit in excess of 1000 pounds at one point. My guess is your DD should have been nearer £100 as of last year, so you have been underpaying for a long time.

    If you still have your paper bills, look at them very carefully, backs of the bills too, as I'm sure that around the point they hiked your payments, they should have given you notice and possibly an explanation of how they figured it. They would have increased by an amount to reflect the historical underpayment, hiked last winter, again in April and October this year due to tariff increases, by an amount to claw back the debt, and a 'safety margin' to stop you getting into such debt again. To put it in context for you, my DD increased from £42 a month I was paying last August to a suggested £272 this October. That was without any historical debit balances but a credit in my account of over £300.
    Last edited by retrotecchie; 22-11-22 at 14:47.
  • retrotecchie's Avatar
    Level 92

    By the way, your meter is so old it will be way out of certification by now. Not that I anticipate that having any effect on your's just a very old meter. This should have been noted by the meter reader and reported back. Doesn't always work though...