Our phone lines are open 9am - 5pm Mon - Friday but online we're always available, its not an instant chat channel but once your interaction has been picked up you'll speak to the same advisor until they have to log off.
We have been a bit busier than usual with the recent price increase so phone's have been busier than usual and we've had a lot of contact via social media so we've not been able to be as speedy as we'd like getting back to customers.🙁
Contacting customers via social media doesn't mean less interaction or banter its just online instead of over the phone 😊
You're absolutely right there have been a lot of migrations 😰 and we have had to expand rapidly and some things are taking longer than expected, we're still a very new company and we appreciate every customers comments both negative and positive as it helps us thrive and be better, we won't always get it right but with the community on our side we can make EON Next a great place for everyone - so be gentle with us as its all a work in progress and keep telling us what works for you and what doesn't as this is the only way we can some out on top with lots of happy smiling customers 😉
Last edited by HelenaP_EONNext; 3 Weeks Ago at 12:40.
'The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members’
Did you know that we're open 24/7? There are lots of ways to contact us over here!📣