Prepayment Meter - Where can I see my payments

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  • LostinTime's Avatar
    Level 5
    As the title says. Where can we see what payments have been made? It was available on the old website but I can't find it on the new one. Yes I know the receipts will tell me what has been paid, but I look after my brother's bills for him and he continually 'loses' the receipts and tells me he's put more in than he has.
  • 17 Replies

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    Lee_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    Best Answer
    @LostinTime Hi, old thread I know, however just in case this pops up again.

    'sitting without power' I would urge if this ever happens again to contact customer service and advise, We most certainly would not want people sitting without power on pre payment, we will always do what we can. Even on a credit meter if there was an issue that left a customer without power, we would like to know.

    The PP meter screen might hold the information your looking for, sometimes they have displays that show total topped up etc, the key also sends us what we call a flow, that has the meter details attached, along with last top up, total topped up etc

    Majority of PP accounts we are unable to physically bill, the nature of pay as you go, well pre payment is pay for what you use, credit being the opposite, we bill for whats used.

    We can see this information, by all means we can advise accordingly.

    I hope this helps, I am interested to see if you managed to get a smart meter sorted? Let me know

    Did you know that we're open 24/7 across our Social Media Channels? There are lots of ways to contact us over
  • Pete19612's Avatar
    Level 5
    @LostinTimeI'm with you on this. I used to be with Npower, they had an app that showed payments made. Eons website is useless, it needs to be added. As prepayment customers, this is information we need to see. I don't always keep my receipts, and since this price hike I calculate I've put about 70% more on than usual, yet the cap is 54%. I'm sure they will come up with some smartarse comment as why it is more, even though I've not used my hob or oven since 1st Aprill
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Hi @Pete19612 ,

    It's worth noting that the 54% increase to the price cap was only the national average and didn't necessarily apply to the entire country. Some areas are more expensive than others, so each region has a different price cap level. You're probably in a far more expensive area than the national average suggests, which is why your prices increased more than what the price cap might appear to be.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
    Pete is an IHD Tariff Update Robot! 🤖 Anasa is a Giant Enemy Robot Spider 🕷 🤖 Hannah is neither! Need Customer service? click here! Replacement IHD Guide? Here it is!
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    The other reason is that the price of gas increased much more than the price of electricity units, while the gas standing charge barely changed while the electricity standing charge increased massively, due to it being loaded to cover the costs of the failed suppliers, who had not paid their bills for wholesale supplies.

    So fuel mix and level of consumption affect how the increase works out for each individual consumer.

    We might all be in it together, but the increases affect us in different ways. The increase in Electricity standing charges would affect us all, but if you use comparative small amounts of electricity the effect on your bill (standing charge plus unit consumption) will be to increase the total by much more than 54%. I'm sorry if you think the explanation is smartarse (interesting to see that got past the language police!) but it turns out that few of us will be average!
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    Just to put some figures on it, I looked at the OFGEM price tables for gas and electricity, paying by DD, for the North West area (it happens to be the top line in the table - no other reason). Between the previous price cap and the new (current) one these are the increases:

    Name:  price cap increases .jpg
Views: 3474
Size:  5.6 KB

    So you can see if you use a lot of gas your bills will be up approaching 70-75%, and if you use little electricity 70%+. If you use little gas (say just for cooking) your bills will not be much changed, while if you use a lot of electricity your bills will be up a minimum of 40%.

    Consumers need to look at their own consumption, compute their own likely bills over 12 months and assess their DD accordingly. Another price rise in October 2022 is a nailed on certainty because the wholesale price of Gas remains high and this will feed into increases for both fuels in the new price cap. The only reduction might be in the electricity standing charge which was inflated by the amounts paid out for the failed suppliers, not so much for the credit balances transferred to the new suppliers as payments for wholesale supplies they hadn't made. That figure should be lower in the new price cap but might allow say £40 to come off of the electricity standing charge. I'll not spend it all at once.
    Last edited by meldrewreborn; 11-05-22 at 16:49. Reason: replace table with picture to preserve formatting
  • LostinTime's Avatar
    Level 5
    It's now September and there is still no way of seeing payments made to a PAYG account. My brother has no mobile so his account is attached to my mobile number and I continually get texts saying he's not topped up in a while. Obviously when I ask him he tells me he has topped up but since he won't allow me into his flat to check so I can't prove he has. And don't say get him a smart meter that would involve something that uses a mobile signal being installed in his house and there is no way he would allow it. Please at least allow PAYG customers to see their payments.

    I can see his energy usage and it's giving me an idea that if he is putting power in he's not using a lot of it.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91
    its very good of you to try to help your brother in this way. If someone uses little energy more of their costs goes on the standing charge. Given you can see his usage a spreadsheet would allow you to gain a full picture of what his energy is costing and as this prepayment to know how often he will need to top up.

    i doubt Eon Next will view this as a top priority if they haven’t already. What works for most customers doesn’t work so well in this case, which makes life challenging for you in particular.
    i think that suppliers should put in services to help vulnerable customers and a complaint is called for in this case, although I suspect you face a long battle to get any improvement.
  • LostinTime's Avatar
    Level 5
    Just actually discovered that when you put your key in the meter it 'should' send a meter reading to your account page. Unfortunately since my brother's account readings show his last reading as 24/8/22 it's a bit concerning. He is insistent he has put money in since then but I know for a fact that he has been sitting without power for the last week. I didn't have the money to give him to put power in and I'm sure that if I had given him money he would have spent it elsewhere. I have given in though and requested a smart meter for him, whether he'll let them in to install it though is a different story. At least if he has a smart meter we can monitor how much he is putting in and top it up for him. As said in the reply above, when he does put money in a lot of it will be taken off to pay his standing charge, trying to explain this to him is like banging your head off a brick wall.

    Also anybody know how often Eon issue bills for prepayment meters. Last one showing on his account is February 2022
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    If you have a Prepayment Meter or Smart Meter in Prepayment Mode, you'll only get a statement once a year in most cases.