Prepayment Meter - Where can I see my payments

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  • LostinTime's Avatar
    Level 5
    @LeeDQ_EONNext Just noticed you'd replied to this, thanks. The problem with a lot of things now is that due to GDPR unless he gives permission nobody but him can be given account information. Great in a way but he has mental health issues and will not in a million years give us that kind of access to his life :( I've tried several times to get him to have a smart meter installed but he won't let them in to install it. As I've said he won't even let us into his flat so can't check his meter for him. He uses very little energy and I'm guessing most of what he puts in goes on standing charge and a debt he has.

    Last reading showing on his account
    01/09/23 Prepayment meter 29555

    considering this is now 2/11/23 that payment only showed on his account last week. I know since this date he has sat without power for over a week. Due to the rules we can't even phone and ask for the power to be put on until he gets paid. Although to be honest if Eon kept his power on he wouldn't actually put money on his key due to his attitude of 'I have power why should I spend money' meaning he would accrue more debt. He's put very little actual money onto his key. Most of the payments to his account this year have been the ones that the government have put on. I understand why the privacy rules are in place but it often means that vulnerable people like my brother fall through the cracks. To be honest and I probably shouldn't say this but often the only way to actual 'help' him is to access online chat on his accounts as if you know all his details you can get things sorted that way as long as you don't admit you are not the account holder. (not that I've done this)
    Last edited by LostinTime; 03-11-23 at 11:01. Reason: spelling mistake
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    sometimes we have to be cruel to be kind. Involving Social Services might be necessary to gain a bit of control over his life, at present despite your efforts progress is rather limited.
    Having logical and sensible advice rejected by somebody not in the best of mental health is very difficult to live with. Mental health charities might be able to help you, and in turn him.
    Current Eon Next customer, ex EDF, Zog and Symbio. Don't think dual fuel saves money and don't like smart meters. Chronologically Gifted. If I offend let me know by private message, but I’ll continue to express my opinions nonetheless.
  • LostinTime's Avatar
    Level 5
    @meldrewreborn I've contacted Social Services in the past but unfortunately we know my brother has a mental health problem - him on the other hand keeps telling us he isn't crazy. I don't think he answered the door to Social Services, and even if he had the problem is that if he doesn't want to work with them there is nothing they can do to help him. Thankfully (this is gonna sound cruel) he is currently in one of the local mental health wards, we still can't get access to his flat 😒as he won't allow us. Fingers crossed they can help him. Although on an energy topic it would be nice if Eon would make the PAYG account side easier to manage online, being able to see what is put in would be a massive bonus.
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 91

    There are I think steps that can be taken if somebody is losing or has lost mental capacity, and is unable to look after themselves.

    Social Services are the correct route to take, and inevitably they will have to be involved if/when he is discharged.

    Charities will have encountered this situation many times before and could guide you on the alternative options open to you. Dealing with people suffering from dementia will face similar issues, which i have some experience of, so I sympathise.

    Getting control of somebody's personal affairs is done via the Court of Protection which can be an expensive and long process. From Eon Next's point of view, without an operative Power of Attorney or the permission of the actual customer there is little they can do, thanks to data Protection laws. Our legislators have made it difficult for relatives in similar situations , albeit with the best of intentions.
  • Lee_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @LostinTime I am sorry to read that, it's difficult for everyone involved here. We need GDPR and you just want to help.

    If you need anything though please reach out to us, we will do our absolute best for you 😊
    Did you know that we're open 24/7 across our Social Media Channels? There are lots of ways to contact us over
  • LostinTime's Avatar
    Level 5
    @LostinTime I am sorry to read that, it's difficult for everyone involved here. We need GDPR and you just want to help.

    If you need anything though please reach out to us, we will do our absolute best for you 😊

    He is still in hospital but has been getting some home time. I know his meter has been topped up at least twice since 01/09/2023 but that meter reading is still showing as the last reading. Is there any reason it takes so long to update. We're currently trying to convince him that a smart meter is the way to go for him so that if his meter is running low we can at least top it up for him.

    Thanks everybody for the replies.
  • Lee_EONNext's Avatar
    Community Team
    @LostinTime I would ask him to speak to us if i'm honest, given the situation we may be able to get him off pre payment and onto a credit meter.

    Pre Payment and readings are a little different, the meter will update with a reading however seeing this in terms of a bill, you wouldn't see. If we bill a pre payment meter it causes some issues for the account.

    I hope hes on the mend?
  • LostinTime's Avatar
    Level 5
    I'm not asking for a bill, the picture below shows at the top of his statement. So I have always presumed that when he puts credit on his key and puts it in his machine that you would then get a new meter reading which 'should' show on his statement. Since the beginning of 2023 there has been at least 1 meter reading a month appearing on his statement. These readings have always been my way of making sure he has power. I can't see how much he's put in but when a reading appears I always presumed that he'd topped up. None have appeared on it since 1 September which is over 16 weeks ago. He's been in hospital for a lot of the time so hasn't been topping up. I think when he got his home leave he topped up enough to clear the debt He eventually let my other brother into the flat last week and there was £10 credit in the meter. It was topped up again with 2 payments of £49.

    To be honest a credit meter would actually make his life worse. He just wouldn't pay the bill when it came in. His electricity is the only actual bill he has.

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