Last reading showing on his account
01/09/23 | Prepayment meter | 29555 |
considering this is now 2/11/23 that payment only showed on his account last week. I know since this date he has sat without power for over a week. Due to the rules we can't even phone and ask for the power to be put on until he gets paid. Although to be honest if Eon kept his power on he wouldn't actually put money on his key due to his attitude of 'I have power why should I spend money' meaning he would accrue more debt. He's put very little actual money onto his key. Most of the payments to his account this year have been the ones that the government have put on. I understand why the privacy rules are in place but it often means that vulnerable people like my brother fall through the cracks. To be honest and I probably shouldn't say this but often the only way to actual 'help' him is to access online chat on his accounts as if you know all his details you can get things sorted that way as long as you don't admit you are not the account holder. (not that I've done this)
Last edited by LostinTime; 03-11-23 at 11:01. Reason: spelling mistake