Your gas reading seems a little high.

  • EdHol's Avatar
    Level 1
    Hi there,

    Despite sending gas readings through the app every month or 2 since the start of my tariff (July 21) I’ve just been stung with a bill of £800+ for 1 months worth of gas!

    I noticed the last few gas readings that I submitted came up with the msg ‘this seems a little high’ when I inputted the reading on the app. I’m on a fixed tariff V6 and pay DD mo they. However, if there was any excess to pay why wasn’t this taken out of my credit? Rather than all in 1 month. £800 in a month for gas is more than my estimated years worth!
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  • 4 Replies

  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    Have you submitted the correct readings for gas? It seems that is where the excess costs are. What sort of meter do you have - have you read it correctly? have you inadvertently put the electricity reading in for the gas reading. Many things are possible, but the system did warn you that the reading seemed high, which should be treated as a strong signal to triple check your facts.
  • theunknowntech's Avatar
    Level 80
    Something doesn't sound right here and I need to help you to do a Burns Test. Could you show me photos of your meters first please? Once I have those, I'll show you what to do.
    Just another guy passing by... The unknown tech way...
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  • ClareStrad's Avatar
    Level 1
    @EdHol I have had this too, the last reading I sent seemed to have jumped dramatically. (Feom 5 digit to 6 digit number!) I rang eon next and they seemed to think I had included the decimal point in my reading and took the last digit off the reading I had sent. Which when she looked back over my usage from the previous year would be in line with the usage. I was certain that I had not included the decimal point but can not see that I have used that much gas!!

    I have come to send another meter reading and again its a six figure number before the decimal points and now I'm so worried and feel sick to the stomach as I can't understand the hugh difference in the meter reading from last year. I'm scared to submit it as I'm sure I'm reading it correctly. It too was saying reading seems too high.

    I had a gentleman come out and read it at about 18 months ago and all had seemed fine and it married up with how I'd read it only a couple of weeks before.

    I'm concerned my meter is faulty or I've been reading it wrong the whole time 🤷‍♀️😰
  • meldrewreborn's Avatar
    Level 92
    you need to fill the first one or two boxes with zero. So if your meter reading is 4 digits add another two zeros at the start!